Memes ganked from kurosawa and queenofthorns!
kurosawa tagged me on this meme forever ago, but I've been forgetting to do it:
First: If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new, original question.
Second: Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.
Tagging: loveminus0, valancy_s, tinuviellen, tempestsarekind, saralinda, snarkhunter, argel39, robin_lea
Who sleeps in bed next to you?
Large cat. And also large stuffed bear. (Yes, true. But once you get used to strangling something to sleep, it's hard to break the habit). Actually, a stuffed bear doesn't sleep, so I take that one back.
Have you ever lied to a teacher to get out of a deadline?
Not intentionally. I've probably said some things that weren't true, thinking they were true at the time.
What kind of magazines do you read?
Do comic books count? I don't really read any print magazines, but I do frequent the Real Simple website for recipes. (Orange wedges, tomato chunks and green olives. Heaven!)
If you could see one band in concert right now, any band, dead or alive, which would it be?
U2. I would probably sound cooler if I picked an all-dead band or ZZ Top or a one man band or a band with a guy who plays the triangle, but I'd really just rather see U2.
If you could travel anywhere for a vacation, where would you go?
I've been fantasizing about running away to rural Scotland or Italy something awful lately.
Name one odd item within five feet of you.
A postcard sized reproduction of a Goya. From a set of fine art flash cards for kids that I returned to Alexandra last week. Only I missed one.
What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
I'm having a Psych moment. The mid-season finale was so good* that it put me in the mood for lots more Psych. Only now there won't be any more for months. Poop! I'm also very charmed by White Collar so far. Neither show is the meatiest fare, mind you, but while I'm keeping track of a bunch of things (or trying to) I don't feel much of a bond with my tv right now. I think I'm still on the rebound from Battlestar Galactica. I'm still not ready for a new steady.
*Other than the part where Shawn emergency-dials the girl that he once dumped for having two pieces of cheesecake. Dude, I'll hang up on you too, if you try to control what I want for dessert - even if you are bleeding out.
What are you listening to right now?
I'm getting acclimated to the new Imogen Heap album - my Mailman assures me it is worth the effort - and have been listening to Rossini of all things on my ipod when I walk to school in the mornings. From the selections I've heard so far, Rossini is spritely and winning, if not terribly complex, and sort of reminds me of the soundtracks from Austen adaptations. Heh.
What are you most excited for?
Aw gee. In the sense of general everyday enthusiasm, right now I am excited about governessing and teaching logic and making new Fall outfits. In the sense of anticipation? I'm starting to have that wanting-to-look-forward-to-Christmas-but-fearful-because-Christmas-will-mean-too-much-time-has-passed feeling. I hate my prospectus.
What websites do you always visit when you go online?
I should visit Facebook, because I haven't logged on in ages, and all my FB friends are mad at me. But mostly lj, email, Fatshionista and Shapely Prose. (Though I've been disappointed with the latter lately).
What was the last thing you bought?
Spinach enchiladas. Totally worth it.
What's your favorite season?
Autumn. We don't get much real Autumn here, and this year I've been missing it especially badly. I sure hope it gets cool for reals pretty soon.
Does the weather affect your mood?
Kind of. Dark, rainy days make me feel really good, but in a kind of contented, not especially productive, long-winter's-nap kind of way. Snow makes me feel brisk and exhilarated. Humid heat just sort of saps all my strength and will to live, LOL.
What is your zodiac sign?
I'm a Leo, and in my opinion I could hardly be less like the profile. A lady on a plane with me once asked me about my sign, and when I told her I was a pretty poor Leo, she got really confused and flustered and told me I was probably meant to be a Cancer. Does astrology really permit these kinds of cosmic clerical errors?
Do you want to learn another language?
I'm supposed to know Spanish as well as some French and German. I should probably learn some Greek one of these days. I tried to teach myself Japanese in high school and failed, so I'd like to succeed at that eventually. And I've also always wanted to learn Gaelic. Oh, and does html code count as a language? I want to learn that, too.
5 things (not people) you can't live without?
cats, vegetables, cheeses, colors, words
Do you have any siblings?
Two sisters. Or one sister and a Mailman, depending on how you look at it.
What's something you'd like to say to someone right now?
I can play Six Degrees of Dinosaur with you right now.
What's your earliest memory?
I have this strong and probably false impression of green light flooding the (dining?) room by the back door of our old house, which means I was younger than four at the time. I also have a strong but better-substantiated memory that my first bedroom was painted peach. Two other things I can remember happening at around that age: 1) Jonathan Wheeler tricked me into eating potting soil. 2) One day I moved all my doll furniture into the hallway and set up an imaginary house. But my mom made me put it all back, because she wanted to vacuum. And/or be able to walk down the hall.
Say something to the person who tagged you:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! EVERYTHING YOU LOVE IS A LIE! CAKE TIEM!!! (It's not exactly original, but the classics never go out of style).
queenofthorns posted this meme:
1. Post a list of up to 20 books/movies/anime/TV shows/video games/bands [fannish etc.] that you've had an obsessive fannish love or interest in at some time in your life.
2. Have your f-list guess your favourite character/member from each item.
3. When someone guesses correctly, strike through the item and put the name of your favourite character next to it.
Here goes! (In whatever-I-think-of-first order):
1. Peter Pan
2. Batman comics - Robin, guessed by valancy_s
3. Battlestar Galactica - Lee, guessed by everybody, starting with valancy_s and queenofthorns. Roslin comes a very close second.
4. Heroes
5. The Princess Bride - Westley, guessed by queenofthorns
6. The Thursday Next novels
7. Lord Peter Wimsey novels - Peter, guessed by valancy_s. Really, what kind of a person doesn't like Peter best? I'm not sure I want to find out.
8. Hornblower movies - Archie, guessed by everybody everywhere!
9. Mary Poppins
10. The Office
11. The Narnia Books
12. The 'Increasingly Ill-named Hitchhiker's Trilogy' - no one is ever going to get this
13. Brideshead Revisited - Sebastian, guessed by valancy_s
14. Garth Nix's Abhorsen trilogy
15. The collective Muppet movies (minus the dumb ones; I'm looking at you, Muppets from Space!)
16. Arrested Development
17. Avatar the Last Airbender
18. The Lord of the Rings trilogy
19. Pushing Daisies - valancy_s is correct that choosing is nearly an impossible feat!
20. Chuck (the show) - Chuck, guessed by valancy_s
21. Shakespeare (I was going to name a single play, but that makes it waaay too easy. And this list is already waaay too easy).
22. Smallville - Chloe, guessed by valancy_s. I was thinking 'Clark's mom,' but I had forgotten that Chloe was my favorite, back when. 'Chloe' is technically correct!
23. Harry Potter series
24. Jane Austen novels - maybe Anne Elliott, guessed by queenofthorns. This guess has caused me to question everything I thought I knew...!
25. Firefly
26. Greek mythology (Ha! This one's actually hard!) HEPHAESTOS FTW! HOW DID YOU GET THAT IN ONE GUESS, valancy_s? Does everybody secretly like Hephaestos best???
27. Fullmetal Alchemist
I chose more than 20. Ha! So sue me! (I am so predictable it's kind of pathetic! Both as to indecisive long-windedness and liking best the most predictable of characters. *sigh*)
I should play a version where you have to guess my second favorite. Now that might be a little harder...
Finally, a LOVE MEME from queenofthorns! I'm not perfectly sure how this works because I have never done one before, but I am eager to multiply the love!
1. Comment (here) with your username!
2. Post a link to your comment on your own LJ, so that your friends will know where to find you!
3. Your friends will reply to your comment with reasons why they adore you, and then they'll repeat step #2 for themselves. And it'll keep going and going until everyone's feelin' the love!
I've turned off IP logging (I think?). You don't have to go anon, but that's what makes it fun. ;) Whether or not you reply to your anon comments is entirely up to you. Please join in then spread the word -- the more the merrier!
Also, you don't have to log out to comment anonymously! When the little reply box opens up, click on "More Options". That will take you to a separate page. Then just choose "anonymous".
Also #2: Make sure you click on the small "reply to this" instead of "post a new comment" -- otherwise, the person you're complimenting won't know you've said anything. (And the rest of us won't know who you're talking about!)
This is the address of my comment at QoT's journal: .