Quidditch camp is going to kill me. Everyone is so good. It's all just a bit overwhelming. It's bloody brilliant though. Learning so much and all these players that I've looked up to are there and bugger, I'm there too... Think, I might have an idea which teams want me, but won't say in case I jinx it.
And don't worry Mar, they've only knocked me off my broom a dozen times of so, no permanent damage that Kevin hasn't been able to make all better. Best part of it all, is I get to come home to Kevin everynight. Really glad the players don't have to stay at camp, you know, all the time... like Hogwarts. I just assumed we would... silly I guess. Marcus bloody laughed at me when I asked him if we'd have to... the prat... Pansy, I expect you to do something about him... something drastic...
Was thinking about having a party once camp is finished, kinda a flat warming... if I manage to find one... we can either all celebrate my getting into Professional Quidditch League or you all can help me drown my sorrows.