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The Lord of the Rings bookmarks
Official movie merchandise bought at a book store. Balrog, Merry & Pippin, Gandalf the White, Treebeard, and Grima Wormtongue available.
Rain stick
Sounds like
this when you tilt it.
You may choose one freebie for any purchase.
Cows in Shining Armor 2006 calendar
Contains doctored photos of cows as colorful historical figures.
April page Yin-Yang sticker
Has holographic sparkles.
Homestar Runner bumper sticker
A little dirty.
Napoleon Dynamite magnet set
NES controller tin
Used to have mints in it. It's about the size of a real NES controller.
Daily planner
Completely unused. Could be used for any one year from 2007 to 2012.
D=OUT flyer
Has been torn in the
upper right corner, which I attempted to mend with tape.
S.K.I.N. card