The following entry is cut for sensative readers. Apparently I have been "cussing" on line. I don't think that any of the words I used were swear words at all, certainlly nothing that could not be printed in the paper, spoken on the ABC news or shouted in Parliament. What's the fuss?
(NB It can sometimes take quite a while for the pie charts to come up, and sometimes they don't.)
ljCuss - 20 Public Entry Version
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akgothbitch !
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When did I use the word "vagina"? Must have had something to do with a viginal delivery or some such. "Breast" is just another part of the anatomy. At least "breast" is in English and not Latin. "Piss" and "arse" are not used when dining with the Queen, but I haven't been invited to do that recently. Maybe that is because her minders have told her about my terrible journal. There is nothing wrong with "hump", it depends how it is used. I am sure I was talking about camels...
I wonder if "mount" is listed as a bad word too? The same with "hell", it can be used by a priest at mass, so it can't be that bad.
The word "cuss", however, sounds awful. It rhymes with puss.