A few words from
I know why the caged bird tolls, it tolls for thee.
It also tolls for house cookies.
But then, who doesn't?
Before we get to anything else, we have the sad business to take care of from last week. For those just joining us - The poll was a massive tie for the final elimination spot, which resulted in another tie - and a third series of entries.
Unfortunately, at the end of that, one of the two was going to be be eliminated. So we are forced to say goodbye to everyone's favorite hard boiled detective, the one, the only
jack_batelin. Personally I'm looking forward to the reveal as much as I am the rest of the story, which hopefully will happen in the Home Game!
Another bit of bad news comes in the form of needing to say goodbye to
rejeneration. I suspected that she might not be back in time for the poll. But hopefully she knows we are all sending good thoughts her way. *nudges you* send good thoughts her way!
Now for the business at hand. Voting.
I just want to remind people just how incredible these entries are, and even if you might have skipped around in the past due to the sheer volume of entries, now is the time to check out people you might have missed. It truly is an amazing group of writers and I think it would be a real shame to have "written *anyone* off" at this point. You never know when you are going to find that next gem and the new "favorite" unless you sample a little bit of each. :)
This week we will again be losing the 3 contestants with the fewest votes. Last week proved just how close this thing is and how delicate the balance between staying in and leaving can be. So if you like what you read and want to see more of it, you should probably vote to keep them around!!
The poll will close Saturday March 13th at 3pm EST - so get to readin' and votin' and other things where you drop your "g"s!
Good luck to everyone!
Note: Due to an incident with his LJ (see comments for details) viagra's entry can now be found at:
http://gunwithoutmusic.livejournal.com/31264.html Poll LJ Idol, Season Six, Merged Tribe, Week Seventeen