Vote - Week 13

Feb 06, 2012 21:56

A few words from clauderainsrm:

I have some news worth sharing:

The Redemption Tribe has been distributed out into the other tribes. Two things that I have been hinting at are going to happening next week. What two things? Sources decline to comment.

We unfortunately lost a few people this week due to bye-outs: _messy, majesticarky and yuniebaby

I know that I personally will be missing them from the competition, and I suspect other people out there feel the same way.

We also ended up with quite a few byes, which I suspected would happen with this topic, and being so close to when they will be ending (100). That, combined with the bouncing immunities left on the playing field ( has a list of who has them this week) should make for some interesting results this week!

It's back to being an open vote, so you don't have to be a community member - encouraging folks to join the community is always a good thing! :)

The contestant with the fewest votes in each poll will be eliminated. So make sure you get out there and read, comment and vote for your favorites!

The poll will close Thursday Feb 9th at 9pm EST. Those with bouncing immunity have until an hour before that to get me their pick for who they are handing it off to this week.

Good luck to everyone!

Poll LJ Idol, Season Eight, Week Thirteen- Tribe 1

Poll LJ Idol, Season Eight, Week Thirteen- Tribe 2

Poll LJ Idol, Season Eight, Week Thirteen - Tribe 3

Poll LJ Idol, Season Eight, Week Thirteen - Tribe 4

week 13, voting, season 8

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