Sign Up Sheet

Nov 09, 2015 05:04

It's finally here! The sign up sheet for LJ IDOL: Friends and Rivals!

Before we get into it though, there's a few things you will need to do:

(1) Post a declaration in your LJ and link it back here as part of the Signing Up process (it's good practice for getting folks use to linking their entries)

(2) Send $5 via PayPal to - make sure to include your user name.

(3) Either in the notes for that - or as a separate email, send me 3 topics you would like for me to consider using for this mini-season. I will use at least 1 of them!

The rough FAQ is still available if anyone has any questions that they need answered:

BTW - you don't need to make the decision on if you will be starting this as a team or an individual until 24 hours before the Week 1 deadline.

There are approximately 100 spots (some are already reserved for Patrons) so make sure you sign up early - Tell Your Friends and Warn Your Rivals! An LJ Idol mini-season is about to begin!

friends and rivals, sign up week, sign up

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