Time for my week reviews! Spoilers under the cut, obviously!
OMGOMGOMG!!!! BARNMAN AND ROBIN!!! This season premiere was SOOOOOOOOOO good! It was like the second - and worst - half of last season never happened! You guys know why? Because we had LILLY BACK, and also, BARNEY AND ROBIN! It was so perfect, they are boyfriend and girlfriend, only they aren't but they really are, you know?
Heck, even Ted was funny this episode - the bit about Indiana Jones and the whip was histerical! "You just get me, man..." to Marshall was so cute! Gay, and cute! XD I felt ashamed for him after discovering that THAT wasn't his class, though...can't wait for next week.
Raj had the BEST lines! Mario and Luigi, first comes first serves, blend into Toy Story, all of them were histerical! As for Howard, Sheldon and Penny, they were their usual selves, and I liked them. But Leonard? Felt like a jerk to prefer to sleep with Penny than worry about his best friend - or at least we think Sheldon is his best friend. OH, and everything Sheldon said or did in his mother's house was funny. The prayer? HISTERICAL!
And at last but not least: still think we shouldn't have any couples in this. Leonard and Penny had a period of time in which they could work, I don't see it know. And although I have friends who are S/P shippers, I also don't see it happening in the show. I kinda ship Jim Parsons and Kaley Cuoco though! ;) XD
OMG I LOVE CASTLE AND HIS WHOLE FAMILY! Especially his interaction with his daughter. Ok, I like his banter and UST with Beckett, but I like him with his family more. I totally got the feeling that his mother and Alexis are kinda hoping and trying to help him and Beckett becoming an "item". LOL!
The whole scenario of Beckett in the end saving Castle from that Russian mobster? PRICELESS! I also like the Chief, the other two cops, and the forensics doctor. I hope they get longer screen time this season!
AND I have the feeling this was not the last time we heard anything related to Beckett's mother murder. I dunno, I wouldn't be surprised if we see another death that is similar to hers, forcing them to reopen her case... ;)
Which reminds me that this is about murder and their investigation, but who cares about that anyway? ;)
I LOVED one half of the episode and HATED the other.
The first half that I loved: Kurt. Everything about him. What's not to love? A teenager who struggles with the fact that he is gay, sings and dances to Beyonce music, joins the american football team to please his father, makes EVERYONE in the team dance to Beyonce music as well, becomes the best kicker they have seen this season, and finally comes out ot his father. Who has known he was gay since the age of three. ;) LOVE HIM! He always looks so fierce, so sure of himself, and yet is fragile when it comes to about his sexuality.
Also, I know that she is sort of the villain and all, but can't help it - Jane Lynch is a wonderful actress, and every scene with her is great - be it talking about caning in the TV Local News or making fun of Sandy. So, loved all Sue Sylvester scenes. ;)
The half that I hated: Will shunning Rachel away from Glee Club. Yes, she needs to learn how to work as part of a team, and the rest of them deserve their spotlight, but the way both Will and Rachel dealt with it didn't feel right to me.
But that was not the worst part of the episode. Quinn's pregnancy REALLY bugged the hell outta me. COME ON! Just when I was considering Finn to be intelligent - he realized Rachel was mad at something other than what she was telling she was mad for in the last episode, and in this episode he revealed that not only he knew Kurt was gay but also that he had a thing for him when he made that comment about prom - he falls for her pregnancy?
COME ON, NO ONE GETS PREGNANT IN A HOT TUB MAKING OUT! But THAT's not the only thing that bothers me. Other things that bother me: the fact that teenager pregnancy has been overdone, the fact that the baby is PUCK's, the fact that Quinn is using the baby to keep Finn to herself and away from Rachel, and the fact that Terri will somehow end up with the baby and thus making sure Will won't leave her for Emma. GAH! *pulls hair out*
Of course, that's what the writers want us to THINK will happen, but somewhere down the line we will have Puck declaring he is the baby's father and objecting to Quinn giving up the baby to Terri or something like that.
Right? *hopeful*
Ok, gotta run now, I'm late to meeting with
rjann and friends!