Yup that's right! So get on over to Mister_32 pronto! I would love to have a big, reflection on my past few years post, but I don't have time right now, so.......maybe this is SECOND to last.......if I do, i'll say so in Mister_32, and for that last .....FECK I CAN'T SPELL..annyonmus? AH! anyways, you, Fecking show your self........
Migrations - I'm gonna make my final E-mail acount which will hopefully be Mister_32@hotmail.com tonight as well as a new LJ, can you guess the name? XD
*UPDATE* my new e~mail est.... Mist3r_32@hotmail.com yah
ick.....i have now ran out of time, i'll get on that Realation and Save station part later!
yup... and i'm really scarce on time sooooo about 4 weeks i think, go to gaia and read the journal there for a full story, i don't have the time now later!
: a small group of buisness like people sit around a table, they all speak in murmers untill a woman in a tight exzec dress comes hurrying in
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