*runs off screaming* EVERYBODY GO TO A RANDOM SHRINE AT MIDNIGHT OR I SHOVE THIS LANCE UP YOUR BUTTS! ... Considering my reputation, that's probably not the best thing to say... T_T
If you people don't know how to bring someone back from teh ded, then who raised Leila? ...I did kill Leila, right? After the first few hundred assassinations the faces all start to run together...
Comments 11
*runs off screaming* EVERYBODY GO TO A RANDOM SHRINE AT MIDNIGHT OR I SHOVE THIS LANCE UP YOUR BUTTS! ... Considering my reputation, that's probably not the best thing to say... T_T
...You do realize with all the shrines around here, most of us are probably not going to go to the right one, right?
Maybe she didn't actually die when you killed her.
How very zen.
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