Title: The Pink Sweater (3/?)
Pairing: Yoochun/Changmin
Rating: PG-13
Genre: High school fic (this is a genre, I swear)
A/N: There's probably only one or two more chapters I can squeeze out of this. The end is near.
Summary: How was Yoochun supposed to know returning the disgusting pink sweater would lead to Shim Changmin thinking he had the hots for
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Comments 10
*goes off to read*
\o/ Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
Chunnie's hooked on our oh-so perfect Minnie!
I didn't think it would happen so fast. I thought it would be like the other fics where they deny their feelings and stuff. So I'm really happy!
I wanna know what happens next so badly! XD
I love Taemin in this. Are we gonna get some TaeminSu love action?
And Min's dad is a lot like him. Snarky and blunt. ^^
I hope you can update soon! <3
puhahaha Changmin you jerk XD
Waving them off, Taemin began to plan.
taemin is totally all for the yoomin
glad you updated (:
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