Yes, dears. Another. This time I blame Charlie//fourthfickle. (Can I start calling you by your real name, btw? XD) She asked why there weren't any "Hug" days pictures in the last one and I may or may not have used this as an excuse to do another picspam. *whistles and looks away*
Anyway, this time I got kinda carried away. ^^;
So young. :/ I prefer hot Min. But he was still sooo adorable.
What? I forgot this one in the last one and it was hot. :P
I wanna be that beddd... wahhh.
I wanna be that kitten... wahhh.
Yes. Another one of these shots. *ded*
Min: "DON'T TRY TO STEAL JAE!!!!! Grrrr."
I had to. It was so cute.
This is for my Joongie (Diane). Teehee.
Min: "Mine!!! Go away!!" (Also dedicated to my Joongie. Hahahaha.)
I'm telling you. They are MFEO!! We all know the real truth. JaeMin lived more back in the old days, but they still belong together. Because I say so.
So yeah. Back to work I suppose. I don't know if I'll ever get this done before it's due. T_T