the next bit
Title: Teaching is Dangerous or Tale of Two Hikarus part 2
Author: therhoda
Fandom: Hikaru No Go / Ouran Host Club
Rating: K
Disclaimer: I Own nothing no where no how
Bets are dangerous things to the poor innocent bystanders. Not that Hikaru is all that innocent but the twins teach the teacher new things.
Notes: This has two accompany stories. If this is well received then I will probably post them.
The green haired pro lifts an eye brow at the shouting. "Ootori-san here has been my student for the past three weeks. And you?"
"Oh well," scratching the back of his head Hikaru looks back to the twins beside him then to the dark haired boy and his rival in front of him. "Umm well Hikaru and Kaoru needed to learn Go, so I have been teaching them." With a shrug of his shoulders to say he doesn't know how better to say it.
"Teaching is it Shindo Hikaru, I hear it is much more than that." The dark haired boy comments on his reply.
Touya looks to Ootori-san then with a more considering stare back at Shindo. "Our seats Ootori-san?"
The incline of Ootori's head is a slight nod to Touya in consideration, "this way I have seats prepared for you Touya-sensei, Shindo you can join if you wish." With a snap of his notebook Kyoya Ootori moves towards the stands. The dignified way Touya follows shows a grace that most would envy.
A murmured "I told you we should have gotten Touya," is heard from right behind Shindo with a "he is so together," as a reply.
"You two Shut UP" Shindo snaps at the twins. Turning to them he grabs an arm each. Dragging them farther away from everyone else. "Look you two, that is Touya and your opponent right?"
A nod of heads is his answer.
"Then listen, Touya can be beaten. Remember the games I gave you of his? If your friend plays like him they should help." Shindo looks at his erstwhile students. "You know the rules now all you have to do is win the war. Remember to read ahead it is a balance to the board you want. He has been at this for less time than you and you never know what he may play like." The slightly patronizing look of the twins gives him no comfort. "Anyway good luck."
Shindo finishes lamely, before he starts walking over to where Touya is seated across from the go board set up in the middle of the floor like a ring at a prize fight. Flopping onto a red silk cushion Shindo looks over to Touya, "So is this going to be blood bath?"
Touya looks over at him then looks back to the go board with out talking.
"Whats wrong with you?" Shindo tries to question his rival and friend. While his attention is on Touya he misses the two opponents sitting down to the board. He couldn't miss the return of the blond though.
"Welcome to the Ouran Host clubs first ever Igo competition. I hope all of you princesses have picked your prince to win. Now here we go." With a flourish he launches himself at a girl who had it seems been helping sell t-shirts in the front.
With the distraction gone the combatants seem to be staring at the board. The Twin is the first one to reach for his goke looking in he finds the white stones so grabs a handful holding them in his fist over the board. His opponent picks up a single black stone placing it silently on the board. Releasing his grasp the twin's stones land on the board. Counting, "Three, four, five, six. Seems I get black Kyoya." The twin observes. They pass the gokes between them. Then both bow so slightly and say , "onegaishimasu."
Hikaru looks over at Touya still looking puzzled over his rivals reaction. He tries again at getting to the bottom of it. "Is your student good Akira?" He whispers as quietly as he can. All he gets is a flash of green eyes in return.
The game continues, as it progresses Hikaru can see his rivals style playing out on the board from his pupil. Unfortunately his student isn't playing with an answering style he seems to be playing a game of stone capture with less than ten hands sight ahead. The longer the game goes the more Hikaru starts to sweat. It isn't as if Kaoru isn't playing well, he is, in fact better than even Hikaru expected. But somehow his opponent has learned all the delicate traps that Touya is so good at and has the timing to play them perfectly. Glancing over to the side closest to the board where Kaoru's twin is sitting he sees the tension that is building up in the features of the one not playing.
After a month of watching the twins communicate through nothing more than a look Hikaru figures this means neither sees a way out of the trap that had just sprang on them. Leaning forward he see that there is a way out of it but neither of them have advanced to reading that far ahead to see it. A huff escapes his lips as he sees the end, which draws his rivals attention. Whispering again, "its all over isn't it." At that point Hikaru realizes that he had really been pulling for the twins to win this match. There is still no response from Touya, Shindo shakes his head at the lack of acknowledgment from his rival.
The go game plays out farther till at last the bright red head bows with a low, "I have nothing."
The smooth, "thank you for the game from his opponent."
The uncharacteristic solemnness on the Hitachiin faces seem to infect the red wearing contingency of the audience. The winning host seem to be proud but wary of what the twins will do.
"So I win," Kyoya questions, "Are you two ready to fulfill your side of the bet?"
Kaoru looks up from the ground he had been studying with his brother at his side, "Yes, we are willing what is it you want us to do for a day Kyoya?"
"I was thinking a beach photo shoot ought to be just about right," a cheer comes from the red wearing fans, "to recoup from this spectacle quite nicely."
"A photo shoot, Kyoya i don't want to," comes from the twin still outside the ring.
Taking the bargaining as a sign Shindo makes his way over to his now pouting pupils.
"Well played game guys." looking from one to the other, "Kaoru that was the best game you have played to date. I am sure you will only get better as you practice."
"Practice? I am never going to play this stupid game again"
Shindo squawks a,"what?" seems to sputter a bit till, "but why not? You guys have really learned to play so well."
The twins glance at each other and then slide together like pampered house cats, "Sensei what would you give to keep us playing?"
The, "Huh," from Shindo isn't very loud, the gulp after it is though. "Umm guys I don't think." he backs away from the stalking twins. Bumming into someone, Shindo's head turns to find himself face to face with Touya. "Touya would you like to meet," is all he gets to before he is jostled to the side roughly. As Touya seems to bristle at the approaching twins.
"Is this what you have been doing for a month Shindo?"
The grins on the face of the twins is to dangerous for even Touya to ignore. "Shindo sensei has it only been a month?" "Oh sensei you must introduce us."
Shindo recovers his balance slides in front of Touya protectively, "You two just stop it, Touya isn't going to play with you."
"But sensei he seems to want to play" The twins are eyeing Touya and regaining some of their mischievous aura.
"NO! He's not going to be bothered by you two."
The hiss of breath from behind him is the only warning Shindo gets before he is pulled back closer to Touya,"Shindo what do you think your doing?"
"Touya you don't know what these two are like. They are completely capable of almost anything to get what they want."
"I can take care of myself Shindo." Touya looks across Shindo with a venomous look. "I am sure these two won't be much of a bother anyway."
The twins have been watching this by play with ever widening eyes and smiles. "Touya sensei we would love for you to tell us what you thought of the game." Comes from the twin on the right.
"The game?" Touya questions.
The left twin chimes in, "well you are an expert, what did you think of the playing?" the other echoes, "or is it just Kyoya-sempi you can talk to?"
"Ootori-san has learned very well from my poor tutelage these pass few weeks. He has extraordinarily well developed skills for having only practiced for three weeks." Glancing to where his student stood across from them graciously accepting what looked to be flowers from several girls in grey and purples shirts with the tops of the crown logos from the, king for the win shirts. Then back to the duo in front of him. "For others that have been playing for such a brief time i think you both did very well."
"Really," drawls one twin and they both move forward flanking the listening Shindo.
Touya eyes flash as they comfortably lounge on Shindo as if he were a piece of furniture.
"Shindo-sensei, you never did tell us what you would give for us to keep playing?" One twin sing songs. The other immediately continues, "IT will have to make our loss worthwhile."
Touya's face is flushed as he snaps, "to anyone with any spirit the will to win the next time is what they should learn from such a loss."
The smiles of both red heads brightens by a magnitude, as they gaze at Touya.
Shindo starts swearing under his breath, then to distract the menace from his rival, "So what did you lose?"
"Lose?" The twin seem to subside a little, "we did lose didn't we," one says, the other then goes,"You lost to sensei what do you lose?"
"What?" Shindo starts, "I am not involved, this was my last day and I even came here to watch the match."
"So your saying you had no stake in us wining or losing?" "You don't care about us"
"No you two are not doing this." Shindo states firmly. The tilt of his head warns hes not kidding.
Being balked has never been accepted by the twins, they shift to a less wary target. "Touya sensei what about you?" "Are you willing to give us a game forfit?"
Touya looks taken aback at being in the middle of an onslaught of questions.
"Its not fair, we are beginners." "What about a match of the teachers as a winner take all."
Shindo sense the trap tries to evade, "we don't have time today you guys, Touya is busy."
"Shindo do not answer for me, I happen to have the rest of the evening free."
"No your busy Touya trust me your busy"
"Shindo you are so rude, I am not busy."
"Yes you ARE."
"I am not!"
The raised volume attracts some of the spectators and what look to be the rest of the club to the side where the noise is coming from. A voice comes from the gathering crowd.
"The hall is free till nine this evening, if you two should want the goban to settle your differences." Ootori assures the pros.
His voice brings Touya's attention to the gathering crowd, his student among them. "Ootori-san I wouldn't want to impose on your clubs hospitality."
The blond jumps in "The princesses would love to see a real game," turning to the standing fans, "wouldn't you?"
"Yes Tamaki-sama!" comes right back at him.
The Hitachiins slide from in front of Touya to where Kyoya is standing. "Shall we make this double or nothing?"
"What could you have that would pay off better than you two in my photo shoot?"
In unison their heads tilt towards the wary go pro with blond bangs, "a guest host?"
Ootori's brow raises and his eyes seem to be assessing the saleability of the above mentioned pro. "And if he wins?"
"Same as before."
Shindo in the mean time has been trying to persuade Touya how bad an idea this was, "Trust me they are up to something."
"Shindo this is a perfectly good place to have a match we are here, they seem to be interested. Are you not the one that is always trying to bring go out into the world?"
"Yes, but this isn't a good idea Touya I just know it."
At the end of this statement Ootori walks up to them. "Sensei if you would please take my side of the goban." with a slight bow to his former seat. Touya accepts gracefully and moves towards it.
The twins move up to the side of Shindo. "Sensei?" as they gesture towards Kaoru's vacated seat.
"I am not doing it you two. Forget it!"
"But sensei you can beat him and get us out of this mess."
"Why should I?"
The twins look at each other then back to him, "If you win we will continue to play."
"If I lose?"
"You have to come to the beach with us" "But we will play go with you there."
"So its a win win for you." "You said he's beat able sensei."
"All right," Shindo grudging moves towards the cushion across the goban from his rival.
as always let me know if you like this guys