SOTU + Drop Meme

Apr 03, 2010 16:08

Kate Kane
IC - She's still feeling this place out. It's not what she thought it would be and she wonders how it ensnared Booster Gold.
OOC - She's still new. I don't really know wtf I'm doing with Batwoman but she's super awesome and what little canon she has constantly makes me glee.
Plans - I'm waiting until I see how the Flamebird stuff turns out before I canon update.
Likelihood of drop - 0/10

IC - You know, the usual, grumpy, secretly missing his team and his boyfriend, terribly fond of his girl Dairine. He's all :| that he hasn't figured out more about camp when investigating is his thing. Also, wondering what happened to Anole.
OOC - I can't tell if I play him too depressed or not depressed enough. Whatever, I love Rictor, he's fun to play and he's not going anywhere any time soon. Whether I go low key or play him full on for weeks I feel pretty steady and comfortable with him.

I should post with him more so he can meet all the other investigative types and compare notes on what's what in camp. Also, need to do more fights and maybe some fun adventures into the Caves of Despair because in over his head is what he does. I don't really bring out his competence nearly enough but in canon that's a function of working with people like Madrox who bring it out of him and in the right sort of situations where he's not doing his loner thing. So, yeah, I'm cool with Ric. It's all good.
Likelihood of drop - Hell, no. Negative a million.

IC - Burning with something that's eventually going to explode spectacularly, I should think.
OOC - Camp has really changed her. As it should! She changes significantly over the course of canon. But also canon is a 90 minute movie and I'm largely running on headcanon. I haven't managed many significant interactions with other female characters in camp, even though she's all about talking to other girls in canon. There's stuff I want to do with her and she needs to go out with a bang but she was never going to be my forever girl. Courtney's fun to play and I did finally upload a bunch of icons but the excitement is going. She's been in camp six months already so some time before her account runs out in October she's gone.
Plans - Thread with Sam (are you ok with psychodrama sugar plum? because yes), thread with girls more, bla bla evolving emotional state and self-conception bla
Likelihood of drop - 5/10. Not right now but it's going to happen.

Me - I am a little overwhelmed by life at the moment in terms of being drained by my work load and time poor, as well as dealing with a bug that's going around that makes you lethargic and full of snot. I would love to play more, and believe me any time you want to thread with me just poke me in IRC and I'll be there, but it's just not super practical at the moment to be doing too much. I really should hiatus to study as I have an open-book exam next week but whatever, I need the stress relief.

But, seriously, whoever you are, I want to play with you. I have a depressed super-powerless PI, a sexy lesbian superhero and all sorts of sekrit plans I want to play out with Courtney.

Also, apparently I haven't pimped Marvel chan enough. Join #quesadaisadick! Say horrible things so I can change the topic again.

Topic for #quesadaisadick is “HORRIBLE THINGS go here | Marvel: FULL OF WELL ADJUSTED PEOPLE | but if he can walk he can't park the fucking jet in the handicap spot | I still look like a hooker.....but one that works at a club with a daycare or is family friendly....”

meme, ooc

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