Title: Insomnia's a Bitch
theroaringspamPairing: Frank/Gerard
Rating: G
Warning: Insomnia
Disclaimer: I don't own anything and I lie.
Summary: Frank cannot sleep.
A/N: The song is from Big Bang Theory. I don't own anything.
Frank can’t sleep. He has been tossing and turning for hours with no luck. He’s tired but his brain can’t seem to stop working. In the moonlit room he can see Gerard sleeping soundly to his right and to his left he can see the dull colors of the digital clock that read 2:38 am. It’s dawn and Frank needs to be at the pet store by 9:00am or his boss will kill him for sleeping in again. Frank cannot let that happen again. He cannot lose his job. The animals at the pet store need him.
He grabs his worn-out copy of the “Hobbit”. He has read it about 13 times but he doesn’t care. If he can’t sleep he might as well read a good book.
Frank quietly reaches for the flashlight from his bedside drawer and goes under the covers. He moves further to the left so that he doesn’t wake Gerard.
He’s almost in the middle of the book when he tries to flip the page when the flashlight falls to the floor. It makes a loud “thud” noise and he can now feel the bed start to shift.
“Frankie” Gerard groans sleepily “ is that you?”
“Yeah, G. Go back to sleep. “
“ What’s wrong?”
“ Can’t sleep.” Frank mutters
Gerard shifts closer to Frank, carefully enveloping him in a hug.
“ Do you want me to sing you a lullaby? “
“ Please” Frank almost sounds desperate, he has been awake for quite some time now and all he wants to do is sleep.
Gerard slowly rubs fingers on Frank’s temple knowing for a fact that it is the particular spot that makes him sleepy.
“ Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur.” Gerard begins singing. Because he knows that Frank is a huge nerd. “ Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr, purr, purr.”
“ I prefer dogs. I thought you knew that.” Frank replies, the ungrateful brat.
“Fine. Soft puppy. Warm puppy. Little ball of fluff. Happy puppy, sleepy puppy, ruff, ruff , ruff… Better, Frankie?” Gerard props his elbow up to take a proper look at Frank but alas the man has finally gone to sleep.
-The End