Title: Just Another Day
Pairing: Some Dean/Lisa
Rating: PG-13
Summary: It’s just another normal day with Lisa and Ben and Dean is thinking about Sam.
A/N: Written for
ditta_spn who asked for a fic set during the year Dean was with Lisa. Hope you like it!
Taking a sip of his beer, Dean leaned back against the kitchen counter as he watched Lisa put their food out. This was his life now. Going to work, picking Ben up from school, picking up food to take home, watching a film with Lisa, falling asleep on the couch and then going to work again the next day.
It was something he had always wanted but had never thought he would have; a normal life, a partner and a son, a steady job where he knew the people he was working alongside and knew that he would get enough money to live on.
Sighing, Dean placed the empty beer bottle onto the counter and walked through into the living room to set the table. Ben was lying on his front on the floor, books spread out all around him as he tapped a pen against a blank bit of paper. Homework. It was something that Dean had never really had time for when he was younger; if he had ever had the inclination to read something or to do some research he had always borrowed one of his Dad’s books, found out about something that would be useful for hunting rather than Shakespeare or how earthquakes occurred.
But Sam, Sam had always loved his homework, had relished the normalcy of it. Dean could remember hours spent working on the Impala or flicking through channels on the television while Sam did first his own homework and then his older brother’s. Dean would give anything to see Sam pouring over a book or his laptop again, to see the familiar scowl directed at him when he was being too loud while Sam was trying to work.
He frowned and tore his eyes away from Ben, placing the mats onto the table that he had had dozens of meals around over the last few months. It was something that Lisa had insisted on, that they eat meals as a family - no television, no leaving as soon as you had finished your own meal. It was just one thing out of a whole load of other things that was different to the way he had grown up, grabbing food wherever they could get it, often eating it on the move. Sam had always liked it best when they found a diner and sat around together. Sam would have liked Lisa, would have liked being a part of this family.
Maybe they could have been a family, all of them together. Maybe, if Jess had lived, Ben would have had cousins and Dean would have been an uncle and a brother-in-law. He and Sam would have gone for a beer every Friday, might have taken the kids fishing on a Saturday. Except that things like that didn’t happen to Winchesters. No, the only thing that his family ever got handed to them was misery and pain and death. First his Mom, then his Dad and then Sam and he was the only one left and it wasn’t fair, not after everything he had been through.
“The food will be ready in ten minutes.” Lisa was standing in the doorway and, as Dean turned to look at her, she nodded towards Ben. “Just leave your books there if you want.”
Dean watched her as she retreated back into the kitchen and a part of him felt lucky that he had met this beautiful, easy-going woman, that she had allowed him back into her life, no questions asked. The last few months had been exhilarating and confusing and painful all at once but Lisa and Ben, they had almost made it all worth it.
But Sam was gone and he wasn’t going to rest until he had brought him back; he still had some books to get through, still had some demons that he hadn’t tried to make help him - he still hadn’t been able to find Crowley - and some spells that he had yet to try. It did help, when it sometimes seemed like he was fighting yet another hopeless battle, knowing that Lisa and Ben were always there waiting for him.
Smiling at Ben, he took the plates from Lisa and set them down on the table before taking his seat and starting in on his meal. Proper, home-cooked food that wasn’t burnt or two days old and he still hadn’t gotten used to that yet. He wasn’t sure that he ever would.