
Jul 17, 2005 23:10

I just wish i could be strong like people tell me i should be and get over this and realize that my dad is an asshole and its not my fault but sometimes when many things in my life start to go downhill you start to wonder if what people have been telling you for so long is actaully true....

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Comments 3

inluvwitholiver July 17 2005, 22:55:02 UTC
feel better hun!
im here for you.


chipguy July 18 2005, 18:48:41 UTC
I know. I think life is designed to crash at a certain point, like the refrigerator that breaks one day after you can return it for a refund.


grinnz July 18 2005, 21:33:32 UTC
When all else fails, there's always people who will be your friends :)

I was just thinking of that song this afternoon after seeing your away message from Dead Skin. Then i listened to the album :P


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