i need to get blood work done to see what's up with my shitting problems, as everyone else calls them.
i don't really wanna waste my time and hear my doctor say that i have to avoid certain foods and that i have ibs, i already know that stuff.
i still need to go though, need to get the needle in my arm and draw my bloooooodddddd. it's gonna hurt cause i'm a sissy.
today i went to leah's field hockey game to cheer her on, but she didn't even play cause that coach is a ma-ma-moron if i've ever seen one.
i had a great time, there had to be at least 15 of us cheering on the ladies to their win. we are going to try and do it for the next game, and maybe add some bodypaints to our slow claps and other such cheers.
all i ate today was a bagel and a bowl of rice with vegetables. maybe that's why i have stomach problems..
i just don't eat unless i'm hungry, if i didn't think about it, i bet i could go the whole day easily without eating anything.