SEAN BEING AWESOME AND A BILLION DOLLARS IS PRETTY COOL. I mean they're all great, I'm just biased towards Sean, but I LOVE THE USE OF ALL THE LIGHTS IN THE THIRD ONE. ndljsdndfjl
Okay I'm sorry I didn't comment as soon as I saw this but I was kind of freaking out a little because OMG YOU'RE MY SECRET SANTA COME TO ME BB LET ME LOVE YOU.
And also I had to finish working on my own gift and I had a moment of lol-hysteria because my computer blue-screened.
SO: oh my god please let me love you these are amazing SEAN AND MARK AND EDUARDO AND NECK AND SEAN AND THE BEAUTY.
Okay, the first graphic is nice, I'm sure, but I recognise the photo and so I'm having trouble seeing it as Eduardo/Mark and not Andrew/Jesse, which, sorry, can't help but inch away from the RPS vibes (it's not you, it's me), but the Sean ones, the Sean ones! I loath that paranoid little snake, I do, but how I love to hate him and his manipulative ways and petty revenge and living off his old, fading fame and using Mark and Facebook at no risk to himself to get back to the top, go big or go home, because what's Sean got to lose if Facebook burns too bright too fast and burns out, and, oh, look, random Sean feels. Every now and then I get those. Sneaky little asthmatic peacock who desperately needs people to think he's still cool.
Comments 4
And also I had to finish working on my own gift and I had a moment of lol-hysteria because my computer blue-screened.
SO: oh my god please let me love you these are amazing SEAN AND MARK AND EDUARDO AND NECK AND SEAN AND THE BEAUTY.
You're magnificent, I love them. :D <3
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