Whoa...it's been awhile since I updated. Too Lazy... :P So I guess, here's what's been going on since my last entry.
Work is still going pretty good. I got promoted at the end of November and a couple of raises followed since then (three to be exact) so I'm really happy. Even better is that I don't have to deal with customers very much anymore. I think that if I had stayed in service I would be going crazy and would be looking for another job. Now I work in receiving and happily work all on my own. Wee! I'm full time there now so I get benefits, vacation days and days off with pay on stat holidays. Pretty sweet deal.
Christmas was awesome! On the 23rd Vicky had a birthday party and we went to BP's and then went bowling. What a blast! It was great to see everyone again. We all totally need to go bowling more often. ^_^ Hot Socks can't wait to play again! Hehe.
On Christmas day my family and I had a nice quiet day. We went skating after opening presents in the morning, which was a good thing because it was nicer out in the morning/early afternoon than later in the day. We could feel the temperature dropping when we were out skating. After we got home Stephen and I watched some anime and then had dinner a bit early. After dinner we met up with Vicky and her Mom and went to see "The Phantom of the Opera". I loved it and so did my mom and Vicky and her mom. The boys weren't as impressed. Dad's not really into musicals (although he did like it up till "Music of the Night") and Stephen...well...it's not a war/fighting movie. Must be complete crap then. ^_~ Just bugging. Hehe. If the musical ever comes back, I'm so there! Who's with me? :)
On boxing day I decided I wanted to go to Future Shop. However...I knew that if I went to late parking would be a bear. Soo...up I was at 6:00 am and Dad woke up shortly after and we got there at 7:00. I went in and got exactly what I was there for (A Gamecube, memory card, and Zelda: The Wind Waker) and spent the rest of my time standing in the insanely long checkout line. I was out of there at 7:45 am. Not too bad. Thanks to Joni, Brian and my Grandparents for giving me money for Christmas so I could buy it. ^_^
It was also Dad's birthday that day, so we went to Moxies for lunch (tried to go to the Keg but the one on 137th is never open for lunch and we needed somewhere close to the movie theatre) and then we went to see The Aviator. It was a good movie. Kinda long. And there were some old men sitting behind us that wouldn't shut up through the whole movie. I even turned around and told them to be quiet (a few times)...which they managed to do for all of 1 minute. ~_~ Mom said that my Uncle Howard would have gone and sat by them and then asked them if they were enjoying the movie. When they say yes, he'd say, "well then shut up so I can enjoy it too!" then go back to sit down. Stephen and Dad didn't hear anything, but my mom and I and a bunch of people below us were all in agony because of them. Bloody hell! You're in a movie! If you want to talk, LEAVE and leave the rest of us in peace. *sigh* Anyway...rant done.
Lets see...then I worked up until New Year's Eve. Well...I worked then too, but I get off at 3:30 everyday so it's not a big deal. I had a party at my house and it was so much fun! Amy, Alex, Kristy, Vicky, Stephen and I had a blast! We watched Ju-On: The Grudge, in Japanese. Nothing like a horror flick to get the night started. I don't think it was quite as scary as the first two, but hey. It did help explain a few things. Then Alex gave Vicky and I late Christmas presents. He got Vicky a PS2 Karaoke game and a Microphone, and I got Mario Kart for my Gamecube! It was awesome and so unexpected. Thank's Alex. :) We all went and crowded in my brother's room after the movie was done and played a round of Mario Party 6. That was over just in time for countdown to New Year's. After a hasty "Happy New Year" we got back to gaming and probably the highlight of the night. Karaoke! OMG we all had so much fun with that game. We did duets and Vicky and Alex mostly sang together and Kristy and I mostly sang together (we kicked ASS!), Amy sung a couple of times with various people and Stephen...well...we limited his time with a microphone. He was a little drunk. :P hehe. The absolute best song sung was done by Alex and Vicky. They sung RESPECT. My God was that the funniest thing I have ever seen. I wish I had a video camera. Vicky had the main vocals (eg. "What you want!"), and Alex had the background vocals (eg. "Ooo!"). Man...everytime I hear that song now I crack up. hehe. Needless to say everyone was laughing so hard they weren't able to finish the song and the audience got mad and lynched them. On the second attempt awhile later, they switched parts and were able to make it the entire way through the song and keep the audience happy.
In the meantime Alex and I took turns at blowing up a huge air mattress for me to sleep on. Unfortunately for us my parents went to bed early and I wasn't able to use the Vacuum cleaner to blow it up. It took us about 2 hours or so to get it blown up. I think Alex did most of the work, which was appreciated. Next time I have a hair dryer that has cold shot, so it should go easier. ~_~
At about 5:30 am we switched games and played Mario Kart for about an hour. That was hilarious fun too! Battle mode rocks! Stephen (despite being drunk) kicked all of our asses at that game. Balloon stealer! :P After that we decided bed would probably be a good idea. Hehe...sleep? What's that? :P
After that it's simply been work work work. BAKA started again last Monday so I get to see everyone and that's nice. Kendra and the baby may be coming out next weekend. I can't wait! ^_^ I hope the weather stays nice.
I bought a discontinued Palm Pilot from work about a week and a bit ago and I love it! I got the Sony Clie TJ-35 and it was only $60. It has a color screen and I downloaded all sorts of games to play on it. ^_^ I'm such a geek though...I bought it so I could read fanfiction without the being on the computer. Hehe. It can also double as an MP3 player and can show pictures and a bit of video etc. It's a great little thing. Apparently the model has a bit of a backlighting problem, but I'm hoping mine won't have that problem. Hehe...here's hoping. Today is staff shop day at work so I'm going to buy a 512 MB memory stick for it so I can listen to MP3's. Hopefully it's still there. ~_~ I didn't put it on hold and there is only one left. Ah well...if it's gone I guess it wasn't meant to be. I really should learn how to put stuff on hold...I almost didn't get the palm pilot because of it. I count all that stuff at work and I jotted down the names of all the Sony palm pilots we had that were all on sale (note: they had been there for weeks and no one even thought twice about them!) I come back the next day after I did my research on which one would be best for me only to discover they had price dropped that day and the GM finds out first, so he went and took the one I wanted to buy. Then he tells everyone else and they run off and start claiming the bloody things! My second choice (the one I got) was just being claimed when I got in the room and claimed it as mine. :P Linda was nice enough to let me have it. Hehe.
And now for a couple of tests that I've done that I haven't posted yet.
The Great LiveJournal
Outage of 2005
During the outage I got a life. Upon discovering LJ again lived, I happily disposed of it.
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geek-foo So yeah...that's it for now. Gotta go get ready to go shopping. ^_^ Ta ta for now!