Player Information:
Name or Handle: Kiki
kikibug13Email: kikibug13 at gmail dot com
AIM/ MSN / Plurk name: plurk: kikibug13
Any current characters here?:
creator_man and
packing_again Character Information:
Character Name: Sean Cassidy
Age: 18
Canon: X-Men: First Class (mostly, with some background borrowed/adjusted from the comics)
Appearance: Sean is 5'11, thin but fit teenager with red hair and freckles. His eyes are blue-gray and while his face is usually focused and intent, he smiles easily. Expressive face, and he tends to slouch when he sits.
Personality: Sean is seen in the film as a rather chill redhead teenager, the kind who will sit and munch on oreos and drink soda and enjoy the party, without shying away from being the center of attention when he's called to it. He isn't alllll that successful in his hitting to the one girl he is shown to be trying for, but he doesn't push his luck further than acceptable. As he is in the higher range of adolescence, at least trying to be on good terms with the pretty ladies is definitely a thing with him.
Other than being (understandably) skeptical about some aspects of his training (like being told he can fly), he takes to what he gets to learn rather good-naturedly. That's excluding Erik's pushing him out of a height. He would have jumped on his own anyway!
Sean is one of the mutants who doesn't seem to be fighting against his ability. He doesn't really demonstrate it or show it off, directly, but he isn't afraid or ashamed of it. While he doesn't quite buy that his sonic screams will work up to the expectations Charles and Hank seem to have of them, he doesn't dig his heels up and refuse to try what he's told. He likes the results even better. Especially flying. Even more so when it turns out he can carry somebody else. It's awesomely cool.
He is a good team player, doing his best to protect his friends in the fight which happens when they have started to gain control over their powers. His fight in that battle is with Angel, as they are the two mutants who can fly, and while he does his best to disable her, he's not aiming for trying to kill her (while at the same time trying to make sure Alex is brought to safety).
And he is one of the few who manages to get a smile out of Alex. Those are rare things.
In the end, he stays with Charles, opting for trying to find a peaceful solution to conflict between humans and mutants.
This section would have been rather skimpy if relying only on the movie, since no background is given for him before Charles and Erik recruit him, so I am adding some adjusted from the comics.
Sean Cassidy is Irish; he was born in Cassidy Keep, the family estate which his cousin Tom will inherit. The two grew up together, their powers manifested together. That doesn't mean that they always get along - because they don't. They are family and neither of them forgets that, but at the same time their interactions can be a bit... boisterous.
As a result of that (and the fact that Tom is the heir), Sean got shipped for high school in the United States. During the four years of study there, his thick Irish accent mellowed, and so did his impulsiveness (somewhat).
He was following the advice of the elders in his family and keeping his ability secret, though not particularly paranoid about it. So long as nobody could (or would) actually pin the odd things happening on him, he was cool.
And at the beginning of his senior year, Charles and Erik came to recruit him. The events after that follow the story in the
Canon point: After the end of the movie. Because his bestie is from there and he doesn't want Alex to be even more confused. Because I am curious where he will go from there.
Special Abilities: Sean's sonic screams and enhanced hearing are purely biological, so if that's all right, I would like him to keep them, or use them as Force-caused. If the former, he wouldn't be Force-sensitive overall; if the latter, he would have to be.
Sect: Civilian
Job: None for now.
First Person:
[Video. Because he likes movies, right?] Hey, erm. I was told that one gets to use these things to get in touch with people or something. Pretty interesting, these, not even as thick as a book or something.
Anyway. Hi. I'm Sean Cassidy, and I kind of think I'm not supposed to be here. But I gather that's going around. Anybody know where to get coke and oreos around here? Or, you know, something decent to eat.
Third Person:
Link to a log?
Anything Else: *deep breath* X-Babies ahoy...