Many of my friends know that I was brought up in a very liberal church denomination called the United Church of Christ. My dad's a (now retired) minister of the UCC, my mom is also an ordained minister of Christian education. Though I no longer believe in what I would call the spiritual or faith aspect, I have a tremendous appreciation for the
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Comments 22
To sum up:
Politics are dumb.
the instigation of the attack on ucc (and obama) was probably political, but once it was presented to the legal system, it wasn't about right or wrong anymore, it was about money and control... "legality" was just the excuse... and the only ones that'll win in this will be the lawyers.
it's not really disturbing to me... it's just very, very sad that #1, there are people that feel it's necessary to instigate this idiocy, and #2, that the courts entertain the blatant waste of time. a little preventative communication would pro'lly save billions in wasted court sensationalism, but saving billions isn't really american now, is it? don't people crave that sensation?
I'm adding you.
And what were you doing up at 9ish? Were you still up or did you only get three or four hours of sleep?
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