Title: Follow You Into The Dark
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Characters: Axel/Roxas
Prompt: 04 Message
Word Count: 684
Rating: T
Summary: Roxas ponders Nobodies, existance, and Hell.
Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts, Axel, or Roxas. They're owned by Square Enix and Disney!
Notes: ...Let's pretend I'm not two months late with this entry! :D But anyway, I've been disgustingly busy, and this came out last night. If it sucks, which it probably will... sorry. D:
Table: Can be found
here Roxas stands up and sees a large gateway looming over him. Where he is, where it is to, he doesn’t know, nor does he think that he wants to know. The atmosphere around him is full of an inky black darkness, and the air around of him is icy cold. He shudders, rubbing his hands up and down his arms, trying to bring some warmth back into his body, but overall, he doesn’t really care.
He’s just a Nobody. Apparently, Sora is happy in his new life (along side Kairi and Riku), and Roxas has faded away into nothing. He was promised at least a life of being in Sora, and now he is stuck in this dismal darkness, which is nothing like the darkness he was able to navigate while being alive -well, a Nobody.
Is this cursed, empty life fitting for Nobodies? Sure, they were born from the darkness of a person’s heart, but they were still born. Is this fair, to give them this hellish ending to their existence?
He is Roxas. He doesn’t cry; he can’t. The fact that he can’t feel has been drilled into is head so many times by Xemnas, Saïx, and any of the original six, he knows that they can’t feel. But even so, how can one be best friends with someone, if they have no feelings, no emotions? Roxsa would take the time to ponder this -he’s dead, or the equivalent to dead for a Nobody. He has all the time in the world. He sighs, and sits on the black floor, staring out into space with a blank look.
Axel should be around here. Roxas watched, through Sora’s eyes, his best friend fade away right in front of his eyes. Although he wanted to punch the redhead, for being so selfish, for allowing himself to have some sort of feelings for him when they shouldn’t have feelings at all, Roxas is almost jealous, wishing that he had even a bit of emotions inside him. All he has ever felt, or thought he has ever felt, was the anger for being created, or some form of pity.
But would Axel be around here? Roxas disappeared in a natural “death”; it was his choice to fade away. Unlike Axel, who, although it was his choice to do that attack, disappeared in a more human like suicide, leaving Roxas all alone. Would Axel want to see him like this anyway? Roxas was, is, a spirited person, not this moping pathetic loner who is waiting at the Gates of Hell, waiting for them to open up, and swallow him whole.
He doesn’t even know what to think. He wants to want Axel; he wants to feel the longing, the need to have a person beside him. But all he can feel is the darkness. He knows that it’s creeping into his skin, tainting him, telling him his doom is only beyond that invisible door. He might as well get on, and go to Hell, or wherever Nobodies are sent. They probably aren’t even worthy enough to go into Hell.
But…he looks up, and a smile easily forms on his face, despite his currently position. A small flame has appeared beside him, its petite light almost ready to flicker out on a moments notice. Roxas attempts to capture the flame, but as soon as he moves, the fire is out. Disappointment forms on his face, until he notices that, only about twenty yards away, the small fire appears again. Roxas gives a slight smile, before climbing to his feet, and running after the flame.
He hopes, prays, believes that -at the end of his rainbow - once he catches up to the flame, he will see Axel, and when he does, he doesn’t know what he’ll do. Punch him, kick him …hug him? What a thought.
It doesn’t matter. He’s a Nobody. He can’t hope, pray, or believe.
Whatever he feels, he runs after that flame, the flame leading him away from the Gates of Hell, hoping in the way Nobodies can hope, that Axel is at the end.