Title: Surprise
Series: Original
Claim: Tyler
Pairing: None
Theme: Pancake!
Word Count: 767
Rating: PG. At worst.
Disclaimer: ...Hee. I don't HAVE to disclaim them. I own the characters Tyler, Aaron, Andrea, Ethan, and Aura. ...Crap, that feels really good to say. :D
A/N -- Um... everyone's characters are already fleshed out -- this just gives you an inkleing of how they act. Annd... um, I'll eventually type of a character profile page. But Later.
A crash and a bang alerted Aaron to jerk up in bed and groan before he fell back onto the pillows. His longtime girlfriend gave a chuckle and wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him close. “Don’t worry,” she whispered into his ear as he gave another groan and covered his face with his hands. “Tyler can cook.”
Before this story continues, one needs to know about the family. Aaron (whose full name was Aaron LaGuard) had fallen in love with his girlfriend (they’ve never married. Don’t ask why), and they lived happily together. After that, for whatever reason, she found children to pity and brought them to live with them, making everyone a big and happy family. Add one child they’d had together, and that made five family members.
“Oh Mooooom!” Aaron exhaled loudly before turning back to the pillow and hugging it tightly. Where Tyler heard no response, he simply shouted, “ANDREA!!!” in an attempt to get her response.
Aaron glanced over to his girlfriend. “Dear, your son is calling you.”
She raised an eyebrow and shoved him out of the bed. “When dealing with such dangerous equipment, you deal with him.”
Aaron gave a chuckle before climbing out of bed and heading out of his room into the kitchen. When he finally arrived, he groaned, wishing that this was all just a bad dream. Facing the boy, he muttered, “Tyler…”
The seventeen-year old turned around, his long black hair almost whipping into his eyes and his face wearing one of the widest smiles Aaron had ever seen (then again, that’s how Tyler always looked), the rest of him covered in batter. “Heya Dad!” he exclaimed, turning back to the bowl of slop (that’s all one could describe it. Seriously - pancake batter wasn’t supposed to be tinged green!) and poking a spoon into it. “I thought mom might be able to help me…”
“Tyler, I taught you how to fight with a sword, not cook.” Aaron groaned, before taking the bowl out of his son’s hands. “That’s your sister’s job.”
“Sexist,” a soft voice accused Aaron as a girl walked into the kitchen. Aura wasn’t more than fifteen, with curly brown hair tied in a sloppy ponytail, but at the moment, she had the equivalent of fire in her eyes. Oh, and a knife in her hand. “You know I cook as well as mom.”
“And her cooking is just deadly!” Tyler chimed in, grabbing his sister around the middle and kissing her head. Although they were only adoptive siblings and overall there were three adopted ones, they had stuck together the most. “So since it’s Mother’s Day, I wanted to make Mom something special!”
Seeing as Aaron had been planning something for Andrea (even if she wasn’t legally his wife, she was still a mother), he rolled his eyes. “Tyler…did you know Mother’s Day isn’t for another month?”
Tyler’s mouth dropped into an “O”, and he frowned. “Great. Now what are we going to do with these wonderful pancakes I had Ethan buy me…?”
Aaron raised his eyebrow, and as if on cue, the third son walked in through the door. Sixteen years old with short blond hair, the kid gave a smirk before placing the plate onto the counter. “You have no idea how many places I looked to get these, brother.”
Tyler simply grinned and grabbed his brother into a bone crushing hug. “Thank you, Ethan! How can I ever repay you!?”
“You could start by washing my clothes -you just got batter remnants on them,” Ethan groaned, shoving his brother off of him. “Seeing as dad doesn’t want to clean up the kitchen, Mom will be forced to get cold pancakes if you don’t.” A second later, Tyler had nodded, grabbed a broom, and began cleaning.
“This…is unexpected.” Andrea sat up in bed, smiling widely to the three kids. Aaron stood in the background, shaking his head. “But thank you, nonetheless.”
“Don’t they taste great? Isn’t my cooking wonderful?” Tyler questioned, sitting on her bed, smiling widely up to her. She chuckled and leaned forward to kiss his forehead.
“They taste lovely dear; it's obvious that you bought them from the restaurant on the corner… oops.” She gave an innocent grin as Tyler’s grin dropped and became a playful pout. “I still appreciate the thought, guys.”
As the three children sat on the bed as well, sharing the extra pancakes that hadn’t been eaten already, Aaron gave a chuckle to himself and sat next to Andrea, stealing the pancake that Tyler had been about to chomp into with a smile.
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