Theme: 03:00 -- Determination, especially in matters that seem to hold you back.
Title: An Impossible Task
Fandom:Kingdom Hearts
Character/Pairing: Riku/Sora
Category: Relationship -- Romance
Rating: T
Warnings: Language, mostly.
Disclaimer: Riku and Sora are owned by Square Enix and Disney. ...Bascially, not me.
Summary: There was no way Riku would be able to finish that paper. ...Unless...
“Look!” Riku resisted scowling at the teacher who was currently jabbing a finger in his direction. “I don’t care - or believe - that you finished all your school work from last year over the summer. If you can’t complete this assignment, you’re going to be kicked back a year.”
“That’s unfair!” Riku protested, pointing to the syllabus. “You gave all the other students in the class a month to finish this, and I have a night?!”
The teacher’s mouth upturned into a smirk. “Well, you’re smart, are you not? I’m sure you can finish it. Remember what happens if you don’t.”
Biting his tongue to keep him from shouting a few choice words at the teacher, Riku tightened his hands into fists. “You’ll see. I’ll finish it.”
“I can’t wait to read it.” The teacher continued smirking as Riku stomped out of the room, slamming the door on his way out.
“That’s unfair!” Sora exclaimed as both he and Kairi attempted to rouse Riku from his half dead state. The three of them were sitting at the lunch table, but Riku looked so angry that Sora and Kairi simply pushed their lunches aside to talk to their friend. “Did you try to negotiate…?”
“Where do you think I was for the past twenty minutes, Sora?” Riku snapped, glaring up to the brunet. Sora jerked away, unused to Riku’s incredibly harsh tone, and the silver haired teen sighed. “I’m sorry. But I just don’t see how it’ll be possible to finish any of this work by tonight. And you guys know I love you both… but I don’t want to repeat a grade due to one assholic teacher.”
Kairi frowned and drummed her nails on the lunch table. “Why don’t you talk to your grade level principal? You know … just tell him that all of this is unfair?”
Riku groaned and lowered his head in his hands. “I can’t - the principal is on vacation right now and that teacher is currently the substitute for him.”
Both Kairi and Sora let out an “Oh,” before Sora patted his best friend’s back. “How…about I come over tonight to help you? I mean, I might not be able to do much, but…”
Riku shook his head before standing up. “I’ll be fine, Sora. I’ll have to do this by myself.” He ruffled Sora’s hair before heading off to the library. Kairi sighed and glanced at Sora.
The brunet sighed as well. “I know I should push harder to help him, but…”
“Riku’s been like that ever since we got back,” Kairi commented, smiling sadly. “I would, but you know I have a basketball game tonight I can’t miss.” She reached over and placed a hand on his cheek. “Just do what you think is right.”
Sora nodded, and with a sigh, grabbed his backpack and headed toward the library as well.
“Riku, dear, you should be heading to bed.”
Riku glanced to his door, noticing his mother standing in the doorway with a frown on her face. A quick glance at the clock told him that it was nearly one in the morning and he sighed. “I can’t - you remember what I said?”
“We should just take it up with your principal when he gets back,” his mother commented, shaking her head. “This simply isn’t fair.”
“If I wait that long, Mom, I’ll be kicked back a grade. I’ll be fine; don’t worry.” After giving his mother a reassuring smile, he took another swig of his soda and sighed. “Alright. Time to work.”
He had finished the research for his paper and was currently attempting to type out what he had written on the note cards to form his final paper. Unfortunately for him, he was so tired that each sentence took ten times longer than normal to type out. “I…have to hurry…” He yawned before taking another strike at the keyboard. “Or I’ll fail…”
A second later, he’d passed out on his keyboard. Cue Sora’s head popping into the window.
“Least I made it,” he muttered to himself, climbing through said window and shutting it. He took one look at his best friend and rolled his eyes. “Riku…”
A few minutes later, Riku was snugly tucked into bed and Sora was inspecting the computer. “Okaaay… I remember Ansem having something like this…” He poked the side of it and a loud song began playing through the speakers. “Ack!” After he quickly whacked the computer again, it stopped.
“Alright, alright!” he reasoned with himself with a sigh. He realized that Riku needed to type out what was written on his note cards…but…how?
The door creaked softly, and Sora froze, attempting to blend with the computer. “Morning Sora,” Riku’s father, a kind man nearing his mid forties said sleepily, raising his eyebrow. “Isn’t it a bit early for you to be here?”
Sora blinked, and quickly glanced at the side of the computer, which read “3:12 AM.” He gave Riku’s father a smile. “Um…I wanted to help Riku with his paper due tomorrow, which he was given unfairly!” he added quickly.
Riku’s father rolled his eyes. “Sora, I know you want to help, but by the rate you’re moving, Riku in his tired state could type faster. Move.” Sora jumped out of the way as Riku’s dad sat down in the computer chair and cracked his knuckles. “Read me what’s on the note cards; we’ll finish this.”
Sora gave a grin before nodding and grabbing the first card.
A few hours later, Riku yawned, sitting up in bed. He glanced over at his alarm clock and turned it off before freezing. Six AM?! He never finished the paper! He was going to be kicked back a grade!
Rushing to the computer, he realized in horror that it had been turned off. He glanced into the printer -nope, no papers. He cursed at the fact that he’d fallen asleep before his eyes glanced to his backpack. On it sat a small packet of papers and a post-it note. Picking up the note, he realized that underneath was his paper, nicely typed and formatted correctly.
The note read, “Heya Riku. Hope you’re happy your paper’s done. Don’t thank me - thank Sora. Kid came over at 3AM to finish it for you. Love, Dad. P.S. - I did type it though (Sora can’t work a computer in this day and age? Frightening…) so chores on Saturday will be done. No questions.”
Riku grinned and stuffed the paper into a folder before getting ready for school.
“Uh…uh…” the teacher stuttered as Riku dropped the paper on his desk.
“My paper. Like you asked.” Riku smirked before dropping more papers onto the man’s desk. “My research; my note cards. Anything else?”
The man continued stuttering, so Riku simply smiled. As he turned to walk away, the teacher jumped up, looking suspicious. “Wait… how could you have done this? It took the other students a month what you did in a night!”
Riku rolled his eyes before opening the door and heading to lunch.
“You know Sora, when I mentioned help, I didn’t think you’d do something like that,” Kairi stated, shaking her head. “But that’s what makes you, you.”
Sora didn’t move his head from resting on the table, but gave a small groan to let her know he was listening. Kairi poked his head. “I thought you were going to help him with research.”
“Research…already done,” Sora managed to get out.
“Guys!” Kairi glanced up, seeing Riku quickly walking to their table, a huge grin on his face. He glanced over to Sora before giving the brunet a hug. “You have no idea how much this means to me - thank you so much, Sora.”
Sora gave a muffled groan, but smiled anyway and hugged his friend back. “I had to do it… You’re my best friend, you know.” Riku raised his eyebrow and Sora rolled his eyes. “You know what I mean.”
Kairi shook her head. “Before I drown in all this goo, you two...” Both gave her apologetic grins. “Anyway, I’m curious -what did the teacher do in response?”
Riku gave another smile and began to retell exactly what happened, but Sora didn’t hear a word of it. He was too busy focusing on the fact that Riku was holding his hand.
Pausing in his retelling, Riku glanced over to Sora, who gave him a big grin back. “Thanks,” he said, smiling. Sora grinned back and continued to listen to Riku tell his story.
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