Title: Baby Blue: Part 3: Chapter 6
Pairing: JunDa
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1186
Disclaimer: All people mentioned belong only to themselves...aside from JunDa who clearly belong to each other.
Summary: In the fairy tales they fall in love and live happily ever after...but this isn't a fairy tale. How are two people, madly in love, supposed to stay away from each other?
December 24th 2012
The afternoon passed reasonably quickly, the three of them ate a light lunch and then Taguchi drove them all to the local store to pick up the last of the ingredients for the Christmas dinner. Afterwards they went for a short walk along the seafront before heading back to his mum’s house for dinner.
“It’s been a while since you mentioned any young ladies you’ve been spending time with...” Taguchi’s mum hinted as they were digging into dessert.
“There hasn’t been any...really...” Taguchi replied a little vaguely. He knew his mother was just concerned about his happiness, but he really didn’t need her getting involved in his dating life right now.
“You seem sadder recently...you try to hide it I know, but mothers can always tell. You looked much happier earlier in the year...”
He was caught off guard a little, but he knew there was no sense in lying “There was someone...a while ago...”
“I knew it” his mum beamed suddenly, “But why wasn’t I introduced to the lucky young lady?”
For a moment he didn’t know how to respond “It wasn’t like that...it wasn’t anything serious...but it didn’t work out anyway...” He could feel that tension in the air again, Ueda remained completely silent, though what did he expect him to say?
“Ueda-kun too, you seemed really happy before...you must have been in love too right?” Taguchi could see the slight fear in Ueda’s eyes, he obviously hadn’t been expecting the attention on him, though honestly, Taguchi himself was surprised at just how observant his mother seemed to be.
“I guess...something like that...” Ueda eventually answered, trying to remain as vague as possible “It was doomed from the start really...”
“Ahh, well never mind, both of you are still young and handsome, maybe 2013 will be the lucky year for you.” They both nodded in consent though neither seemed particularly enthusiastic.
When they had finished eating, Taguchi and Ueda washed the dishes in silence while Taguchi’s mum caught up on the latest episode of a drama she’d been watching, and then they all settled down in front of the TV to watch old episodes of Shounen Club.
Taguchi’s mum took the armchair while Taguchi sprawled out on the couch, Ueda sat neatly on the other end of the couch, though Taguchi soon nudged him with a foot.
“Hey, you can relax and get comfy you know...tuck your feet up...” Ueda looked momentarily startled but after a few words of affirmation from Taguchi’s mum, he finally relaxed, leaning into the armrest of the sofa, feet coming up to tuck under himself the way he liked. Taguchi left his foot where it was, nestled snugly against Ueda’s leg, but after a moment he remembered where he was, or rather whose company they were in, and moved it away.
They watched a few episodes from the video tapes that Taguchi’s mum had recorded, but then she decided to turn in for the night, bidding the boys goodnight as she made her way upstairs.
“Oh, it’s your episode now” Ueda remarked as the intro to the next episode finished.
“Do you want to keep watching or shall we find something else to watch?”
“We’ll watch this last one, you were silly in this one right?”
“When wasn’t I silly?” Taguchi replied, rolling his eyes, but he put the remote down anyway, shuffling a little closer now his mum’s prying eyes were gone.
They endured another blast from the past, giggling away at their antics, pointing out how silly Maru used to be, or how excited Koki was, how tiny the juniors were but as it neared the end of the show Taguchi suddenly froze. As he watched his younger self give a speech about when he had felt sad, he finally remembered what the next song was. He glanced over to Ueda and the way he was fiddling with his shirt sleeves implied he’d remembered too.
“Do you want me to stop it here?” Taguchi asked, feeling a little silly.
Ueda shook his head, not looking up “We’re both thinking it already...plus I really like the song”
Taguchi nodded but he felt a lump already in his throat as he turned back to the TV just in time for the song to start. Baby Blue.
He made it as far as the chorus before the tears started flowing, but he kept his eyes fixed on the TV screen. He felt frozen, like his whole body had just stopped and refused to carry on, but his eyes stung like fire where the flow of water continued. He’d been painfully aware of Ueda’s close presence the whole day, but with the distractions of driving and then having his mother fussing around them he hadn’t had time to really dwell on it. But now, with the words of the song echoing in his ears he couldn’t hold back.
The end credits were already rolling when Ueda reached over him for the remote, he stopped the video and then switched off the TV in silence before finally turning to face him, a mixture of loss and confusion in his eyes.
“I’ve tried to forget about us...I’ve tried really hard but it just isn’t working” Taguchi admitted, barely above a whisper. “I think about you all the time...”
Ueda nodded, his lips quivering in that way that showed he was on the verge of tears too, and they finally spilled over as he opened his mouth to speak “I miss everything...just being with you” he stopped for a moment as a quiet sob shook him “Every night I feel completely alone...because you’re not there to hold me...I don’t want to love you this much, but I just can’t make it stop”
“I’m sorry...this was a stupid idea...bringing you here...” but Ueda’s head was shaking again “It’s killing me to hurt you this much...”
“Junno...please...” but when their eyes met Taguchi didn’t need to ask what it was he wanted. Everything inside him screamed that it was wrong, and impossible and that they couldn’t, not here, but he just didn’t care, he needed the comfort and he needed to comfort Ueda too.
He took Ueda’s hand, leading him as quietly as he could up the stairs and then into the small guest bedroom. Together they rolled out the futon and made up the sheets, and then for a few moments they just sat, looking at each other, taking each other in.
“Tatsuya...you know that whatever happens tonight...we can’t take it back...” Taguchi asserted, he’d made his mistakes last month on his birthday, he’d promised himself he wouldn’t do that again. If Ueda wanted to be with him he wasn’t going to refuse, but he wouldn’t persuade Ueda again against his better judgement, this time they knew what giving in would cost them, and they both had to accept it.
“I know...but I need you...Junno, I really need you now”
With a nod of assent, Taguchi crawled forwards onto the futon and opened his arms in time for Ueda to crawl into them, before pressing their lips together in a searing kiss.
Chapter 5 |
Chapter 7-----------------------------------------------------------------
Ok, so if anyone was wondering what the title 'Baby Blue' was all about...it's a song title (only I didn't want to mention that before in case it spoiled the story). It's originally by Tokio but KAT-TUN and NEWS sang it together on Shounen Club back in 2005, and I just loved it >_<
For anyone who isn't familiar with the song, I've uploaded the clip of them singing it. It was taken from the episode uploaded and subbed by newshfan, so all credit goes to her.
Baby Blue Clip or
here (I've had a hell of a job getting this to upload >_< I don't know if it's my computer or some kind of firefox setting or something, but this link seemed to work ok for me, please let me know if it doesn't work/if you would like to try uploading it anywhere else for me?!)