here's what's up in my life...
Heroes con. was. the best. EVER!!!
i met Jim Mah-fukin-food! he signed my comic! he told me to email him and he would MAIL me a scetch! food one is my man. if you haven't read any of his stuff, i recommend it. pick yourself up a copy of any of his Grrl Scouts, Stupid comics, or a 40oz collection. he's the only person who could write a political scribble beautiful and poetic and self-deprecating enough to actually make me cry. cry, i say! i wanted to tell him how kick-ass he was, not just as an artist, but as a person, but i started kinda getting light headed and thought it best to walk away with my autograph before i passed out in front of his table. i've been reading the trade pb i got of stupid comics almost exclusively. (i say almost because, well, there was that whole "tax form" thing i had to do for my new job). oh yeah...
started a kickass new job last month. i work for the Rainbow Wedding Network. it's an online directory and a wedding mag for GLBT couples. i sell ad space on the website and in the mag. it's so fun!! sure i spend all day on the phone, but come on- i work with awesome ppl, can wear jeans and t-shirts to work, i can run around barefoot if i feel like it, and they have DOGGIES in the office! it rocks.
cut my hair. pretty short. still having slight separation anxieties every now and again. i am assured that it's cute.
my iPod is back. well, not exactly. i got a new one (which i'm sure means just a refurbished piece of crap, but anyway...) i've been ripping music like a madwoman. i'm almost done getting all of my cd's on there, now i'm gonna start moving on jessica's... muahaha...
did God of Hell at NC Stage with the Zealot kids (i.e.- my friends). it was amazing! we kicked ass on filling the house almost every night! i think the lowest was 25 or something. and let me tell you, for a catalyst series show- that is dank, my friends. Dank.
ok, back to music ripping and watching A Knight's Tale. i bought the extended edition from best buy last night... god i love this terrible, terrible movie...