Application - Underworld Wars

Dec 05, 2010 14:18

~Player Information~
Name: Heather
Personal Journal: agentgrrl
Time zone: CST
Contact: theagentgirl
Current Characters:
Thomas Raith | Dresden Files | harrysbackup
Vincent Valentine | Final Fantasy VII | dirgingcerberus
Akihiko Sanada | Persona 3 | tobestronger
Sephiroth | Final Fantasy VII | wutaiwarhero

~Character Information~
Fandom: Mutant X
Name: Brennan Mulwray
Age: 33
Canon Point: 3.14 A Normal Life - After being frozen but before being revived by Shalimar
History: Here
[Optional] Character Development and Relationship Transfer from previous RP: N/A

Personality: At first glance, Brennan is resourceful, loyal, dedicated, commanding, competent, and level-headed. His years on the streets gave his an intense understanding of how backstabbing and manipulating people can be, so he doesn’t trust easily, but once he does, he holds his friends to the same standards of loyalty and dedication as he gives to them. When that trust is broken, he is prone to rash, childish, and reckless action. Brennan believes you do not lie to or manipulate your friends, even if you do everyone else, and he expects those around him to be open and honest with him as well. He’s almost dogmatic in his illustration of that belief, often having intense arguments with Adam in particular when he knows Adam is hiding things from him. Adam’s mysterious tendencies and his expectation of him, Jesse, Shalimar, and Emma do simply do as they’re told and not ask questions really grates on his nerves, and he has a hard time just doing whatever it is.

Brennan has no problems acting on a given situation based on someone else’s plan if the reasons are explained thoroughly enough, and one of his greatest pet peeves is being kept in the dark about anything. He understands that a leader must keep things to himself in order for his team to keep a level head, but he doesn’t agree that they shouldn’t understand what they’re getting involved in. Under Brennan’s leadership, both his gang and when leading missions with Mutant X, involvement is voluntary, and they always have the information they need to make a good decision of whether or not they participate. He will withhold information that isn’t integral to the mission, but might get a team member too personally involved, however, understanding that the wellbeing of the group is more important than the wellbeing of the individual.

To his friends, Brennan is compassionate and companionable, dependable and reliable, so much so that many of his friends from his previous life of crime have been known to take advantage of him and his caring nature. Brennan has been known to drop everything when a friend is thought to be in trouble, and in those situations, it’s very easy to take advantage of the knowledge that, if you ask, Brennan will come running. He is unerringly loyal to his friends, and he would lay down his life for any of them. He also has a hard time accepting that any of them may be manipulating him for their own ends. That’s not to say he’s blind and will deny the truth, but he refuses to accept they are leading him on without proof. Once it’s proven, however, his anger is a force to be reckoned with.

He’s always had a fondness for vintage cars, most notably cutlasses and camaros, preferring to perform all the work on them himself, making it a hobby of his. He has a very competitive nature, both when leadership is in question and in more conventional situations such as a game of basketball, and he isn’t above cheating to come out on top in a game of pool. He has what you could call a caffeine addiction, spending about 50 dollars a week on coffee, and if you’re taking him to the movies, be sure you don’t make him miss the previews. He’ll whine like a little boy.

He is actually a very sensitive soul, beneath all his posturing and bravado, and takes betrayals of trust and lies very personally. He reads poetry by the romantic masters to relax, and spends a lot of time in the gym when he’s frustrated. The poetry appeals to his sensitive side, jacking in to his emotions and giving him an outlet for some of those emotions. The workouts he usually turns to when angry, giving him an outlet for his considerable temper that is far less destructive than actually going out and doing something about it, which he’d prefer to do if he didn’t have a punching bag to take the brunt of it.

Skills/Abilities: Brennan is an electrical elemental, meaning he can generate enough energy with his own body to power a small city and overload almost any power grid. He generates tesla coils from his fingertips and can also generate EMP pulses from his palms that allow him to levitate or fly short distances. Like all electrical elementals, though, his one weakness is water. If he’s wet or if his feet are in water, it shorts him out and, because his particular power is outbound only, he can even electrocute himself. He can up his voltage even more by grounding himself or holding on to something metal. If he’s completely grounded, for instance wrapped in chains that are attached to the ground, his powers are completely negated.

Aside from his powers, Brennan is highly skilled in many forms of martial arts including weapons training. Because of his time on the streets, he’s very street-wise, knowing how criminals think and often thinking like one himself, seeing as he used to be one. He knows how to keep his head down to keep from being noticed and can think quickly on his feet. He also has a charisma that generally makes most people like him.

He has a good knowledge of mechanics also, usually doing his own work on his vehicles. He knows how to ‘hotwire’ most vehicles using his electrical charges, as well as disarming alarm systems and destroying locks. He can fly planes and has not problem driving most vehicles including large delivery trucks.

To the untrained eye, he’s pretty good at pool, but he cheats.

First Person Sample:

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say I probably didn't win the One-Hundredth Visitor to the Underworld door prize, so I'm probably not the only person around here with one of these things. It says the network's active so I guess someone's hearing this.

[A brief pause where he clears his throat.]

If you are, I'm Brennan. I'm sort of hoping I'm having some sort of crazy, cryogenic halucination, but if not, how many people are out there listening?

Third Person Sample: The comfortable words, stark and black against the white of the paper around them, greeted his eyes as he opened the book. “O Captain! My Captain! Our fearful trip is done;” he muttered aloud before his eyes even settled on the line. He could recite the poem from memory at this point, but there was just something comforting about reading the lines, letting the shapes of the words sink in with the meaning. He scoffed, letting his mind wander. Was it really? Was their fearful trip done? Hardly. Their “trip”, now two years in the making, was just beginning it would seem. With the literal fall of the Naxcon building, they’d lost Emma and Adam had disappeared. Emma, who’d originally lead him to Mutant X in the first place, Emma who’d been like a sister, a best friend, and a confidant all rolled into one. Emma who’d forced Adam to reveal he’d been hiding the truth from them all along. And he couldn’t save her. Emma had deserved to live as long as her genes would let her, but she’d died, fighting for a cause none of them completely understood, because Adam had been too…what? Self-absorbed? Too guarded?

He should’ve known. Adam had been guarded for a while, ever since his powers had expanded and he couldn’t explain to Brennan what it meant. He should’ve seen it sooner. Adam’s first response when questioned had always been, “why isn’t important.” Why wasn’t why important? If you gave someone an order to infiltrate an organization and steal valuable secrets, risk their lives on your behalf, they damned well had a right to know why they might die, or even that they might. How many times had Adam sent them in blind, with no concept of the risk involved, no knowledge of the other players in the game?

Too many. That answer was simple enough to come to. They were lucky for a while, but now Emma had paid the ultimate price and they were left with far more questions than answers. Eckhart had claimed that Adam was dead, charred beyond recognition, and it was hard not to believe him, given Eckhart had also been in possession of Adam’s commring. As much as Adam had lied to them, hidden information from them, and deceived them, he’d also kept them alive. Maybe to serve his own ends, sure, but there were plenty of times, if it hadn’t been for Adam, they’d all be dead.

Emma was dead, the more negative side of his mind reminded him. A dear friend had been murdered at the hands of Eckhart and who knew who else. Knowing Adam and his various connections, they had several enemies they knew nothing about, or even that they existed. He smiled a satisfied little smirk. At least he’d taken care of Eckhart, once and for all. That was one man they wouldn’t have to worry about again. But who else would be coming for them? Only time would tell, and without Adam to call the shots, and crappy as they’d been of late, someone had to. He snapped the book closed and breathed a steadying sigh. Someone had to lead Mutant X in whatever would be coming. He wasn’t sure he could do it, but he’d damn well try.

He looked down and swallowed. To think, he’d almost let his emotions get the better of him. He’d almost let the rebel in him win. He’d almost walked out on the two people closest to him. He winced when he thought that last part. Shalimar. He’d almost abandoned her. Hadn’t she felt enough loneliness? Her father had locked her in a mental hospital because she was different. Adam, the man who’d been more like a father to her than her biological one had lied to her and manipulated her to his own ends, and she’d followed him blindly, never losing faith. Hell, she depended on Brennan more than anyone else. She was never afraid, she never doubted for one second that he wouldn’t have her back, and he’d almost left. Never again. They were a team, damn it, and that was how they’d stay.
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