Name: Ang
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annotateContact: gunmetallic gray [aim] [email/msn]
Name: Tobias Maria Abendroth
Gender & Played-By: Male, Played By
Nicholas HoultAge & Birthday: 16, born on the 16th of November
Nationality: German
Sexuality: Bibliosexual, if that were possible. But to be more exact- technically bisexual but rather not interested in anything other than books.
Physical Description: Tall, average build, dark hair, blue eyes- he's pretty decent as far as looks go. Usually, he'll be found in neat robes, slouching over some book or the other. He's a pretty cheerful sort, too, so there's always a ready smile on his face if anyone wants to talk.
Parent/s: Torben Abendroth [father; Polnoch alumni] and Ingrid Abendroth (formerly Ingrid Weiss) [mother; Kveld alumni]. The Abendroths are a fairly well established family- not quite at the upper echelons of Wizarding society but very, very far from the bottom.
Siblings: One older brother, Traugott Abendroth [24 years old, Kveld alumni], who ostensibly works for the Government. They rarely talk.
Extended Family: Cousins, uncles and aunts are all open.
Year: 6th
Path/House: Polnoch
Major: Dark Charms
Quidditch: There are no words for how hopeless he is on a broom. Not that he doesn't enjoy watching the sport or cheering his house on, but his actual talent for it is pretty much zilch.
Pet: One male
eurasian eagle owl, which he's named Uhu, the product of a rather bad sense of humour.
Wand: Cypress wood with a core of Bowtruckle Fingernail, 10 inches, inflexible.
Patronus: An
osprey. It was written by Pliny the Elder that parents forced their young to fly up to the sun as a test of their ability, and those that failed were killed. Inherently, a very successful bird of prey.
Boggart: Himself, but senile, demented and crazy, entirely at the mercy of others.
Erised: Himself, older and comfortably alone in a library with books everywhere around him. Books on things like the dark arts, curses, curse breaking- also, anything to do with forbidden knowledge and the acquisition of. Or power, power is always good.
Favourites: Books, books, learning new things and being challenged, chess (when he isn't losing), more books, watching people go about their business, meeting people who also like books and- have I mentioned books yet?
Distastes: People who don't give knowledge (and books containing it) the respect it deserves, untidiness or uncleanliness and being manipulated or tricked into doing things- but apart from that, not much, really. He's pretty easygoing, when you get down to it.
Secrets, Strengths, & Weaknesses: Oh, there's not much to tell here. As far as secrets go- if you sit him down and talk to him, he'll be hard pressed to come up with something in the past that he's genuinely ashamed of. The closest would be the time when he was five and broke a good portion of his mother's silverware and got soundly belted for it, but that's about all. He's never been in a relationship, so there's no baggage in that area, either.
The one thing he is good at is research, though. Give him a topic and he can pretty much devote himself near exclusively to it for a good period of time. Sleep and food are optional, although maintaining personal hygiene is still a must. He's good at focusing on things, at giving something his complete attention, be it an academic area or a personal issue. And since he's devoted a lot of his time at Durmstrang to Dark Charms and the mastery of, he's quite able to hex anyone well into next Tuesday, should he so wish.
He is, however, pretty crap at anything physical. Not that he doesn't like sports, but he's just rather hopeless at them. Running? He'll jog a little, then walk, but he'll get there in the end, not to worry. Broomstick flying? Don't go there- it's more like broomstick falling for him. He's tried, certainly, and if he's forced to practice frequently then he'd end up being only slightly worse than average! Except that he doesn't practice frequently, so it's more like a lot worse than average.
Detailed Personality: The first thing anyone would think, on talking with him, is something like 'whoa, this is an easygoing guy'.
And they'll be right. Tobias isn't the kind of person who gets worked up a lot, and he doesn't have much that he cares about. Sure, he likes people in general, they're pretty okay. And he's got friends too, and he cares about them, because they're his friends, you know? He'll do a fair bit for them, because when they're in good moods, then he's happy too. Besides, it's troublesome when people around him are mad, so he does his best to stay out of that sort of thing. All he needs a book in his hands and to be left to his own devices and he's good to go.
So basically, he's the sort of guy who doesn't piss off people. But the thing is, he doesn't want people to piss him off, either. It comes with being part of Wizarding society- he grew up and saw the kind of things people did to maintain their status and improve it, or to control others, or to gain power, and he figured that really wasn't the kind of thing he liked. Controlling people? Too much trouble. Gaining status? Useful, but took time away from books. Gaining power? Well, now...
There was a bit of a problem there, really. Sure, he doesn't want to actually rule over anything or anyone, but he doesn't want anyone or anything to rule over him. So he figured- he figures- that it'll be good to spend his time in school working on things that are just about as Dark as he could get, because the ones who were always out for more power and more gains usually tended towards that sort of thing. The more he knows about this it, then, the less susceptible he'll be to it. It helped that he found it interesting, really fascinating stuff, and since he had a knack for it and all, everything's good.
At the end of it all, Tobias is an all right guy. Smart enough, easygoing more often than not, and a firm believer that it is better to do unto others long before they have the opportunity to do unto you.
Character History: Second son, and all that entails- his older brother was the one who got the brunt of the family expectations, and Traugott certainly did well enough. Finished school, got a good job, and in the fullness of time, everyone expects him to get married and have nice pureblood babies. So as far as his family was concerned, just about all Tobias had to do with is life is not make an absolute mess of it.
Fine by him.
He had an ordinary childhood, really. His father, when younger, had indulged greatly in one particular hobby- collecting rare books. Some were Muggle made, like old bibles and grimoires and when he was a child, Tobias fell a little bit in love with them. The illumination, the script, the weight of the pages in his hands, it was the most amazing thing. He'd sit in his mother's lap and turn the pages over one by one, even though he couldn't understand a word. When he was older and had learned to read, the depth of knowledge inside books captured him, hook, line and sinker.
Somewhere, Tobias supposed, there had to be a book that covered any particular subject. All he had to do was search. And going to Durmstrang was expected from him and he had no reason to protest. So when he eventually enrolled, he was pretty thrilled to discover a gloriously extensive library. The promise of learning more about the Dark Arts also fascinated him. Potentially forbidden knowledge? Really dangerous books? The last thing he could bear to consider was that someone else might be able to hold such knowledge over him, so he found himself very quickly steered towards Polnoch.
He's done fairly well for himself there. And he has his brother to learn from, his brother who doesn't talk to the family much, which he thought was a pity (because he did look up to his brother very much). Occasionally, Tobias owls him for advice or help on his studies, and a reply from his reclusive sibling always cheers him up.
First-Person: Ah- well now, I think I've got this thing set up right. It's really very interesting, actually, the advances being made in communications.
I really can't help but wonder if it might make owls less relevant. Or perhaps more relevant? After all, there's only so much that can be done with these. Delivery of parcels, documents that need to be signed...
Well, if nothing else, time will certainly tell. I have to say, though, the charms used in this are fascinating. If there's an opportunity to study them during the term, that'd be quite welcome.
Third-Person: "I- oh, Merlin, I'm sorry-" Tobias trailed off, a sheepish grin on his face. "My fault," he said, crouching down to help the boy he'd crashed into pick up the sickles and knuts that had bounced all over the floor. Perhaps somewhere in this world there were people who were perfectly capable of being engrossed in a book and walking the halls of Durmstrang without crashing into things, but at any rate Tobias was certain he was not one of them.
If he was to be honest, though, it had been a very interesting book.
He'd got it tucked under his arm now- The Complexities of Curses, borrowed just the other day from the library for a bit of research. It'd been pretty engrossing reading, but looking at the situation now, perhaps a bit too engrossing. The last of the knuts in his hand, he returned them to the boy with a slight shrug of his shoulders as a further apology. "Here we go. Maybe you could look out for me next time? I'd appreciate it."
That incident over, he continued down the hallway, book still firmly under his arm. With a bit of determination, maybe, he'd be able resist taking another look through it until he got back to the Polnoch dorms, where he'd be able to sit and read in peace.
Yes, that did sound better. Of course, if he was to be honest about those plans, then he'd be forced to confess that he wasn't really the determined sort, not when it came to books...