May 22, 2009 14:53

A list explaining all of the Silken Master's charms and what exactly they do.


First Martial Arts Excellency -
Cost: Varies
Duration: Instant
In game mechanics, this charm allows the player to add dice to any Martial Arts rolls at the cost of one mote per die. Basically, using the charm increases the Silken Master's chances for a success, even a brilliant one, but does not guarantee it.

Second Sail Excellency -
Cost: Varies
Duration: Instant
In game mechanics, this charm allows the player to buy successes to any Sail roll at the cost of two motes per success. It allows the Silken Master to always be a great sailor, so long as he can use the charm.

Third Presence Excellency -
Cost: 4 motes
Duration: Instant
In game mechanics, this charm allows the player to re-roll any attempted Presence roll, using the new result if they choose. Basically it means that if the Silken Master fails when using his presence, he can recover smoothly with this charm.

[Linguistics Charms]

Scathing Cynic Attitude -
Cost: 3 motes
Duration: Instant
This charm allows the Silken Master to see the true motivation behind any given statement, whether written or heard. If what the target hopes to gain is fundamentally harmful to him or his goals, this charm perfectly negates the attempt to trick him.

[Martial Arts Charms]

(Note: In Exalted, there are numerous 'styles' of martial arts, each with a different set of strengths and weaknesses. The Silken Master practices a newer style known as Laughing Wounds, the goal of which is to inflict pain more than physical harm.)

Sensuous Torment -
Cost: 1 mote
Duration: Instant
This charm may be activated whenever the Silken Master takes damage. For every health level of damage he suffers, he regains a number of motes back equal to his permanent Essence score (he gets less if the damage isn't lethal). The Silken Master cannot use this charm on injuries that were self-inflicted.

Kiss of the Whip -
Cost: 2 motes
Duration: Instant
On a successful attack, the Silken Master may increase the amount of pain his target suffers from the blow by a small bit. This effect can stack, however, up to his maximum martial art's score (currently four times). The unnatural pain will start to fade usually after combat ends. As with Sensuous Torment, the Silken Master cannot use this charm on himself to boost the effects of Laughing Wounds Form.

Laughing Wounds Form -
Cost: 5 motes
Duration: One scene
When the Silken Master is injured and this charm is activated, the pain from his wounds becomes pleasurable to him, like a supernatural high. Instead of hindering him in combat, it actually makes him a more effective's also slightly intimidating to watch him laugh wildly despite the blood and bruises and come back for more. The damage isn't negated in any way and he will still die if injured severely enough, so care needs to be taken.

[Presence Charms]

Poisoning the Will -
Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: The Abyssal's Charisma in days
With a touch, the Silken Master can attempt to implant a command into his victim's mind. If successful, the victim feels an unnatural compulsion to follow the order for the duration of the charm. The command can be resisted fairly easily at first, but must be done so every day until the charm ends. Each time the charm is resisted is tiring and leaves the victim more vulnerable to the Abyssal's manipulations and more than one command can be implanted at a time. Finally, the victim is unaware of the compulsion, and the Master does not even need to spell out the order in words. If the victim wants to recognize and remember the compulsion for what it is, it takes a great deal of willpower to do so.

[Resistance Charms]

Ox-Body Technique -
Cost: --
Duration: Permanent
Each purchase of this charm increases the Abyssal's health. The Silken Master has only taken it once.

[Sail Charms]

Deck-Striding Phantom -
Cost: 3m
Duration: One scene
To use this charm, the Silken Master must be on board a ship. For the duration of the charm's effects, the difficulty of all actions are reduced by his permanent essence. Basically, everything becomes easier, whether it's maintaining his balance in rough seas or engaging in combat.

*charms, *ooc

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