Title: Rules Of Fighting (2/4)
thesingingbushGenre: Iron Man/Sherlock Holmes crossover
Characters/Pairings: Stark/Holmes, hinted/mentions of Stark/Watson & Holmes/Watson
Rating: R-- (not very good with the rating thing, so I'm just going to be safe)
Word Count: 4,780 (for this section)
Spoilers: If you've never seen Iron Man or read the comics, or
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Comments 13
Sorry I respond several days late :( But yes, I would totally marry you! XD!!
o///o you really liked it? Gee, thank you so much!! I think I'm rubbish so this makes me feel better♥
The first quote you liked about the blonde virgin made me cringe when I typed it ;/ I tried so hard to make it really funny and I thought I still failed. Glad to know someone thought it tickled their funny bone :)
XD Thank you so much!! I thought he'd say that.
OMG, when the cheeseburger line popped randomly in my head I laughed so hard to myself I couldn't breathe. I scared the cat XDXDXD
*giggles* Yeah the end! I really didn't intend on it quite like that (alot less sexual, actually) but yeah. There ya go! I'm going to try and work on it as much as possible, I promise. Hopefully you'll like the rest of it.
Thank you again for commenting!!! ^w^
They'll be more, and I'll try as much to work on it as I can!!
Thank you so much for commenting! It means the world to me, and I don't know why. :)
Gee, Tony... that's what you get for playing with the virgin blonde with the bubble stick. Now you have to feed the monster. BWAH-HA-HA-HA-HA!
I'm going to enjoy the next chapter, aren't I?
Oooh, hard to say! Actually no, it's not. I think you'll like the beginning, but not sure about the rest :/I'm not even sure if it'll work or go. Oh well.
That you SO much for commenting!!! I live on them ^w^ (How sad am I?)
The mental images this fic provokes are just GOLD! :D
Double the RDJ...double the hotness. Oh yes!
I didn't think about it. XD I'm so glad it provoked.....something X3
OMG RIGHT?? Thank you for sharing teh love, and THANK YOU for commenting!! ^w^
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Hope you keep reading!!
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