Title: Play a Game (Pt.7)
Author: thesingingbush
Disclaimer: I didn't see anything, I didn't hear anything, I didn't say anything, I didn't do anything, I don't own anything. As far as anyone's concerned, this is all a dream. Now try and sue that. XD
Characters/Pairings: Joker, voice of Jigsaw
Style: Crossover: TDK - Saw
Word Count: 2,322
Rating: R
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Comments 21
that was so intense and i really, REALLY like the torture/game parts.(heheh..my friends question my sanity.) I think this is my favorite chapter so far. I cant wait to see Batman and his reaction to whats going on.
My next chapter's coming out soon. How about yours?? ;)
Sorry again, and please don't hate me!! ;.;
I keep forgetting to check this forum to see if there's updates on any of the stories I'm following myself (like this one!) so I am equally unreliable about commenting in a timely manner. ;D
Looking forwards to seeing what happens next in this, anyway!!!!
I just read all this in one go, and I love it! Love it so much I'm gonna lurk around in the shadows until is done... and maybe even a little longer ;[
Oooh, lurking! I like it! But, unfortunately you might be lurking for a while cuz I've got a feeling this is going to be kind of a long series. :\ And I have two more chapters to go before I'm.....well, stuck. ToT!!! I'm going to do a shout out to ppl to see if they can help give me ideas for more games, cuz that's where I'm stuck!! I know how it ends and all that, but I can't seem to come up with a whole lot of games, dammit B[ BUT, I did make one up recently, and I have one for the end. But, I need more....*cries* So there will be a pause on this too, because I'm going to finish my Kitten story first, then some one shots and finally the next installment to PfaS. So, sorry for the delay on it. Maybe you've got any ideas?? ^w^
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