Serenity and Amestris plot updates; further disasters ahoy!

Apr 17, 2011 04:03

All right ladies and gents, it's the end of the world as we know it and far too many people have been left out of the impending apocalypse. Here's what's going on, and what the characters who haven't hitched a ride on a giant dragon can do about it.

Congratulations, you guys got the kid, and are ready to get involved with the rest of the endplot! Details on that will be further down in this post. However, that's not all you got: in the chaos, Hiruma was able to hack a mainframe connected to Denouement's machines, and has quite a lot to spread.

In short, it's proof of Denouement and the Philosophers' actions behind the major trouble that's plagued Reial, as well as their plans. Delphine, the head, was willing to crack the continent open in order to get an ancient airship called Ymir, which is responsible for various seismic disturbances. Those characters familiar with mythology and folklore may recall tales of of a giant's body being used to create Reial. Others more familiar with history may recall old theories of Reial's earliest settlers coming in on airship. Well, looks like both of those stories may have a connection to Delphine's goal.

However, she's not the only one with plans. The Philosopher's were looking for profit, plain and simple. However, Bradley and his cohorts, a mysterious man named Father and a band of homunculus, had their own plans for power. Meanwhile, Mr. World remains an enigma...except to those who know his alias.

Now, that's a lot of plotting. In fact, it was more than Denouement themselves can keep up with. The organization is now bloating and on the brink of collapse, but unfortunately, it seems they've unleashed something even they can't control.

As of this thread, in which Millie and Susan confronted Envy disguised as Edgeworth. The end result is that Envy is in custody of Garibaldi.

While Bradley was distracted, Phoenix Wright did some investigation into Bradley's past. Unfortunately, shortly before the article was printed, Bradley disappeared from the Amestris.

Your captain is missing, Amestris crew, and you have just found out that Miles Edgeworth has been replaced by an impostor, who is tied up in your brig. What will you do? Who will take control? And just what are you going to do about the rest of the Badlands?

Speaking of...

As you can tell by this comment from our poor, soon to be dead Denouement mook, our giant, serpentine friend isn't the only problem facing Reial right now. Other monsters are rising out from the Badlands, as well as other places where mana crystals are bountiful. While they're wide and varied, the most ominous of them are giant, mysterious, nearly godlike beings who have awakened from mines and deep sands to wreak havoc on their surroundings. Now, it should be noted that these are not exactly like the fal'Cie from canon, but there are similarities.

Here's what you need to know for TSTverse:

-They showed up in the Badlands over 300 years ago and exploited humans involved in Ivona vs Vohemar skirmishes to do their bidding, by transforming them into powerful beings and giving them a specific goal. If they completed the goal, the humans got to go into stasis until they were reawakwened. If they didn't, they got to turn into violent monsters. They disappeared sometime between then and now, though, and they never spread further than a few villages on the outskirts, so few people know about them.

-Some may take a human shape, while others are more inhuman. See the images on the wiki page for more. Most of them, when not in disguise, are about the size of a house.

-They're old, cunning, and less likely to blindly rampage and more likely to go for very specific targets, such as key structures. They're also incredibly powerful, both magically and physically. Individual attacks vary; some can call down storms or summon fireballs, while others prefer more physical attacks. Large groups are key, as is strategy and planning. Ship weapons would also be effective, if one can lure them out into the open.

-Remember what was said about people being turned into inhuman monsters? Well, they're heading towards towns now. Congratulations, they're making shock troops.

Oh, and it's not just monsters. Remember Kaoru, the spooky little girl who can punch holes through ships? She's not the only one. Young teens with destructive superpowers are heading towards the Badlands with their eye on major settlements, and will be moving out from there. Keep an eye out for them.

Other monsters and creatures will be left to player discretion, much like the Antrim log. If anybody wants to add monsters or creatures from their characters' canons, that would be perfectly acceptable.

Now, what are the characters supposed to do about this? Well, there's two main options: fighting and support. The first one is obvious: interested and capable characters from the Amestris and Serenity will go in and beat up the monsters. The second one is for those not interested in combat, and basically involves helping civilians get the hell out. Some of this can be action oriented things, such as daring search and rescues. However, there are more low key options as well, such as getting people situated, healing, and chatting with characters from other ships about what the heck is going on. As for the role of the ships, unfortunately the Amestris and Serenity aren't up to snuff for ship combat; the Amestris only has one cannon, and while Serenity does have more weapons than her canon counterpart, they're unreliable and mostly for show. However, they can still be used to ferry people and supplies back and forth, and for those more interested in ship combat than hand to hand fisticuffs, there are NPC ships they can join.

While this is primarily for Serenity and Amestris characters, this is also open to Convoy characters who have not gotten involved in the current plot.

As for characters who don't fit into either option...well, there's a few other things they can do. One of the main ones is coordination: those with authority, be it legit or otherwise, can coordinate NPCs and willing PCs over the journal in both combat and support roles. Another big one is research, and it's possible for characters to do further digging into the mysteries revealed so far. And for the less lawful and heroic, there's a great opportunity for exploitation. As both world governments and the big bad Denouement are thrown into chaos, information leaks are to be expected, and maybe people can sneak a peek into some things they shouldn't see. Forbidden research? Or maybe caches of weapons to sell on black market? Or perhaps they can find something else entirely.

Or maybe they can hop on the supervillain bandwagon and try to help crack the continent open too. However, we seriously advise against aiding the destruction of Reial. That's where your characters keep their stuff.

So, in short:

-evil plots have been revealed

-Bradley has gone AWOL

-monsters have taken over the Badlands and any area with a large supply of mana crystals. Characters can either fight them on the ground or on NPC ships, or they can help save some people and coordinate things from the skies. Research and sneaky exploitation are also welcome, as are suggestions for anything else.

Relevant logs will go up tomorrow. Any questions, comments, or concerns go here. We're in the final stretch, folks. Lets make it a good one.
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