new in town [ open! ]

Jul 09, 2009 02:30

Characters: satinskyrapids and anyone who wants to join him.
Content: Finding a bar, going to it, getting properly drunk.
Place: Somewhere in town.
Time: A night before the races begin.
Rating: No idea yet. PG-13 to be safe?
Warning: There will be drinking, festivities, excitement, I don't even know. STUFF.

There was absolutely no escaping the buzz of the upcoming race anywhere Yumichika went with the exception of his own quarters. Sadly, there was no food there to sustain him, and more importantly, there wasn't a single trace of alcohol. He decided to suck it up and leave his room, managing somehow to convince himself that while he was there, he might as well take advantage of all the shopping opportunities.

When he left, he was immediately assaulted by breasts. Not a pair of breasts, but many, seemingly fighting to get over their brassieres. He didn't really blame the women; it was certainly hot, but it was altogether a little odd for him to approach anyone showcasing a set of them. After the initial shock, he was able to ask for food recommendations and was pleasantly surprised to find that the meal he had bought was actually palatable. Confident he might be lucky twice, he started asking people for recommendations for good stalls to shop at and found himself having so much fun he almost placed way too much money on a bet involving snapping turtles.

It was already long-past dusk, but the shops seemed to be lively as ever, and quite possibly even more insistent that he needed knickknacks and gadgets and cosmetics. He politely declined and soon (thankfully, for his wallet had lost a considerable amount of weight) reached the end of the line of shops.

Edging out of the bazaar area and still excited about his recent purchases of a watch and a very fascinating wind-up toy, he started to ask the barely-thinning crowd where it was that he could possibly find a good bar.

≠ megara, grell sutcliff, ≠ ayasegawa yumichika, ≠ maes hughes

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