Characters: Anyone from the Silvana or the Winding Way
Content: Hot spring shenanigans !
Setting: The ~*hot springs*~ of Licere.
Time: Sometime while the two ships are chilling in Licere with each other.
Warnings: Space infringement, touching or naked. Or any combination of the three.
Licere was well known for its hot springs, and boy did the Dōgo Bathouse deliver. The public hot springs came in all kinds, from open air hot springs with screens or walls of bamboo, to indoor hot spring baths walled off from the other baths. They came in public and private varieties, the public being the much larger of the two types, but (to the disappointment of some) also gender segregated. All the hot springs contained a shower area for cleaning off dirt and grime before hopping into the spring itself, as well as baskets nearby for clothing and such.
[ooc: Posts to here are automatically assumed in a public hot spring! If you want a ~*private*~ hot spring, be sure to say so in the subject line. Oh, and watch out for falling Isshins]