Aaaaaaaaaaalmost there. Time to drag this out a little.
I feel a warped sense of achievement in that I have discovered the weirdest piece of TST merchandise ever. Yes, even weirder than the chopsticks with tiny models of the eight airships on the ends. I speak of these lovely shaped hard candies. Featuring sky whales, sky sharks, gears, clouds, what I'm supposed to assume is the shape of the continent of Reial, airships, and different national flags. ...Is it bad that I kind of want a bag just to see what they taste like?
Last episode, the Ammy was putting on an art show with a bunch of artists trying to improve human-demihuman relations, and there was much attention paid to the recent rise in monster activity. Now we move to Serenity, which may actually get to do something without failing spectacularly over it! ...we hope.
Episode 38: Why These Patterns Repeat
For once, everything was all right onboard Serenity. There were no crazy explosions or gas leaks, no surprise stowaways or strange hoodlums, it was just them and the cargo.
...kinda strange cargo, though. Long, canvas-wrapped blocks of metal rested against the hull, next to tidy wooden crates, one of which was around three feet tall and wide. Still, it wasn't so bad. Now it was just a matter of making sure it stayed that way.
Is this really a breakthrough in transportation? I guess it could be train parts or something. What do I know about trains? For that matter, what do I know about airships? (Just wait, now that I've said that, they're going to release another universe cyclopedia, and this one will tl;dr about airships just to make sure that I know how they work.)
And then, naturally, Commander Edgeworth contradicted what the ghost-Edgeworth said. He said he was definitely in Erealia, whereas the ghost-Edgeworth equivocated, and never really answered my question as to how he could be in Antrinm if the Gloriosa was not.
But Commander Edgeworth said something strange, too. When I asked him why he had felt it was necessary to insist to that reporter that the Gloriosa's Ivonian officers were guesting in Erealia of their own free will...when nobody had even asked if they were being held against their will...he ended up retorting, "Why are you so paranoid?" This is a question from a man who was a first mate, and then a head of security?--these are paranoid professions. It's in the job description. And when he was my superior on the Victoria II, he never minded me being of a skeptical nature; a good gunner is a little paranoid. It was jarring when he asked that. He seemed...not like himself.
It's almost Hisoka's turn to guard the cargo, but he has something more pressing to attend to. The Edgeworth-ghost he met in Antrim gave him some doubts about the real Edgeworth, who was, of course, put on a bus a while back to go to Erealia. Who better to go to to ascertain Edgeworth's well-being than Bradley? (Besides Edgeworth himself, but Hisoka's already done that, and it gave him even more questions.)
Bradley assures Hisoka that nothing is wrong. The fact that they're putting this exchange in a Serenity episode, though, gives me pause. Bradley seems like a nice guy, but Mal and Zoe wanted him dead back in the Antrim arc, and it didn't seem to be an all-encompassing grudge against the military...
Crates are normally nice, quiet objects. One could say that was part of their appeal. But, only moments after Bang lands on the floor, this crate decides to be downright contrary. Muffled only by the wood, a voice echoes through the cargo hold.
Yeah, no, that is not what trains do. Nor do they chant "destroy! destroy! destroy!" and move around when they're finished scanning. Hisoka and Bang go and report this to the rest of the crew.
You're making too much noise.
Oh, shut up, Kaoru, we all know you're evil. It's the whole freaky-eyed uber-pale deadpan preteen of mass destruction thing. Or, you know, your mutterings about fate and free will. Or the fact that you confessed to coming from a lab and killing more people than you can count in one of the journal transcript novels. Despite all that, though, she agrees to using her ship-destroying powers for good and punching apart these boxes. I don't even know with her.
And speaking of people we know by now are evil...
"What d'you know about Low Key Lyesmith?"
"Know for certain? Not much. Con man, or so I hear, gambles a fair bit, bit of a record--those all being on the list of things I would think you'd be interested in."
The order is given to open the crates and inspect and dismantle their contents, and Zoe asks Anko about Low Key. She doesn't dig up much, but that's fine, since there's a backup plan. Remember what they did to Wang? Sure, they didn't get much out of them with their best interrogation techniques, but the higher the episode count rises, the higher the chance of success... and besides, Wang was obviously in danger of spilling any day, since he had to be killed and all. Who's going to come kill this guy?
I can't wait to see what happens.
Next episode: Interrogations, flashbacks, and lots and lots of rampant destruction.