[OOC: Info]

Mar 27, 2019 13:42

Name:  Helena Wells, more commonly known as H.G. (yes, that H.G. Wells).  Feel free to call her "H.G." - everyone does.
Age:  Very tricky question.  She's technically a young 144, but physically, she appears to be in her 30s.
Fandom:  Warehouse 13

Artifacts:  These are objects, relics, souvenirs... Anything!    Some are objects that belonged to people of significance, and their quirks and personalities imprinted on the item.  Some are supernatural relics that help explain how a certain legend or set of beliefs came into existence.  And some are simply wondrous inventions.  However, many of these are dangerous, because they hold some sort of mystical power.   This is why they need to be collected and stowed away to prevent misuse.  Artifacts can generally be "neutralized" with a purple substance that, in effect, "calms them down."
Artifacts possess a sort of energy that allows them to manipulate people into mishaps.   This energy magnifies when exposed to a source of electricity or strong negative emotions.  Basically, don't argue around one, and don't mess around with one during a thunderstorm.  ;)
For more information about artifacts, check out:  http://warehouse13.wikia.com/wiki/Artifacts !  There should be a link on that page to a list of currently known artifacts, if you're curious.  ;)

!Spoilerific! History:    *In 1866, Helena G. Wells was born to Joseph Wells and Sara Neal. Helena was the fourth (and last) child. Only one sibling has been named in canon: Charles Wells.
*In 1891, her daughter (and only child), Christina, was born. The father is currently unknown in canon.
*In 1893, she meets Nikola Tesla at the World's Fair (the World's Fair: Columbian Exposition, to be exact), and subsequently becomes an apprentice at Warehouse 12. She ends up helping him create the Tesla gun (a sort of stun gun that knocks a person unconscious as well as wipes short-term memory.  A high enough setting can cause organic matter to disintegrate, which is probably why Tesla claimed he had a "death ray").
*She realizes that no matter how good her work is, it's not going to get published because she's a woman. Asks her brother to “supply the moustache,” as she called it. She'd give him the research, ideas, and other details, and he'd publish under her name.
*In 1899, she and her daughter take a trip to Paris, choosing to stay with their cousins. Burglars break into the house while almost everyone is out, not realizing that Christina stayed at home ill, while the nanny stayed behind to nurse her. In the resulting scuffle, both Christina and nanny were murdered.
*Shortly after Christina's death, Helena begins obsessing over making one of her earlier ideas a reality in order to save her daughter's life. If you guessed that she'd start work on an actual Time Machine, you would be correct.
*Sometime in the early 1900s, as a result of her desperation to somehow travel into the past and save her daughter, she accidentally causes a fellow agent to lose their life.
*Again in the early 1900s, she completes the Time Machine (a time machine; however, hers can only send a person's consciousness through time to occupy another person's body for 22 hours and 19 minutes, rather than physical time travel) and attempts to save Christina, with no luck. Upon her failure, she sought out and killed the burglars.
*In the early 1900s, she was bronzed (the process of flash-freezing a potentially dangerous individual and covering their body in a layer of bronze) by the Regents (those who oversee and govern the Warehosue) upon request, and placed in the Bronze Sector of Warehouse 12. Once bronzed, her personal effects are placed within the Escher Vault, where the effects of all bronzed persons are stored for safe-keeping. The story ends here, right?
*Wrong. In July 2010, Helena G. Wells is revealed to be stored in the 13th iteration of the Warehouse. She was revived by the villain of the time, James MacPherson, launching another series of events.
*Kills MacPherson easily. To be fair, all she did was cut off his necklace. He'd previously had a mineral injected into his blood stream that reacts violently with a mineral (“painite”) that can be found in the walls of the Warehouse, preventing him from being able to return. Without the necklace to neutralize the panite, his blood would turn into acid and eat through his veins, quickly causing him to disintegrate.
*Helena shows up at the site of an artifact disturbance at the same time as Claudia and Myka. She lets them know that she wants to prove her worth to the current Warehouse, rather than be persecuted as the “bad guy.” She ends up saving Claudia's life, thanks to research she'd done for Island of Dr. Moreau.
*Helena runs into the gang again right after Artie's kidnapped. She ends up saving Artie, at the risk of almost freezing to death (caused by a piece of the R.S.S. Titanic).
*Helena is reinstated as a Warehouse agent.
*In September 2010, Warehouse 2 is reactivated, causing danger to the current Warehouse. Helena, Pete, and Myka travel to Egypt to shut it down. It's at this point that Helena turns on the agents.
*Helena almost destroys the world with the ancient Minoan trident by trying to create another Ice Age, effectively wiping the planet of humans and providing it a clean slate so it can start anew. It's revealed that she started plotting to do so before she was bronzed. Talk about long-term planning. Luckily for the world, Myka manages to talk her down.
*Immediately after this incident, Helena is stripped of her status as “agent” and is taken away to a secure facility by the Regents.

Notes:  -Helena is set post-canon.
-Not much nowadays really fazes her, but mentions of Christina (her daughter), children in general, the end of the world, or the state of the world today is bound to elicit unwanted emotions.  Generally, the first two will simply make her upset, and the second two will likely cause anger or a single-minded obsession to try to "save the world" again.  Note:   her original plan to do so would have killed us all.
-She tries not to get close to people emotionally.  This is probably a defense mechanism.  She's literally lost everything she's known and loved, and it hurts her deeply.  She's trying to spare herself further pain by distancing herself.
-She's invented objects such as her Time  Machine, a grappling hook, the Imperceptor Vest (allows the wearer to move faster than the eye can see; however, it requires a massive energy source), and an antigravity generator fueled by cavorite (a metal that causes everything above it to lose weight; featured in 'The First Men on the Moon'), among other things.
-She seems to be adapting to the present relatively well.  By the season finale, she's able to work an automobile and a cell phone, although laptops seem to stump her.
-Helena can be a bit of a misandrist at times.  To be fair, look at the time period in which she grew up.  She's been showing improvement, but if she goes off on you, don't take it personally.  She's shown this behaviour much less after her introduction, but she does seem much more comfortable and pleasant around women. 

info, ooc

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