[filtered to 4423]
Back on-board, captain.
[voice - private - hackable (she's too freaked out to secure further)]
[She sounds shell-shocked, but trying to keep calm]
T-Too messy for the Assasin's Guild. They like simple, clean, elegent. If it were them....there wouldn't have been so much...blood. So messy. Unless they've got a member doing things not by the book. I don't imagine they'd send a rookie or non-conventionalist for something this...big.
Too messy for most ninja too. Non-rogue, that is. Rogue...well. Let's just say there are...some...who would do things like that.
The wizards didn't notice anything? Fat lot of good it does us, having it at the University of those fat old dudes if they can't help us solve a murder.
Shit. .... This is... Shit.
[Sounds of fumbling in a drawer, then a clink of glass on wood, and something being poured]
I haven't seen anything like that since...It wasn't clean, or elegent or nice...
I don't know what to think except that this peace shit certainly isn't going to work out.