Title: Serenity
Rating: PG (the fluffiest, idk)
Pairing: Jongin/Kyungsoo
Length: 2800w
Summary: Jongin and Kyungsoo celebrate their anniversary.
The story of their love is written in smile lines and streaks of gray hair they wear like badges of honor. )
Comments 6
This is beautiful: The story of their love is written in smile lines and streaks of gray hair they wear like badges of honor. It’s etched in the way they know just what the other is thinking with a simple look. There's history in how they move around each other, a dance they learned many years ago.. The picnic is beautiful. The fact that Kyungsoo planned the whole bringing Jongin back to the abandoned studio where he used to work and cleaning it beforehand and that just made me cry ;;; and Jongin thanking him for taking a chance ( ... )
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