Title: Light Up My Life
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Joonmyun/Jongin
Length: 8600w
Author's Note: Happy Birthday to one of my closest, most treasured friends -
lattelotus. Thank you for always putting up with me. I hope you have a wonderful birthday!
Summary: Joonmyun might just have a soft spot for Jongin
Always trust a wizard’s intuition, people say, and Joonmyun is a wizard. )
Comments 18
I swear i always ask this, but seriously why is your stuff always so good!!???!?
I think this fic is now one of my absolute favorites!
Absolutely chatmed by SirHoley too! <3
And the ending with Sehun and Chanyeol! You cant leave us hanging
And omgggg the ending with Sehun and Chanyeol! Please let there be a sequel where Sehun trains him! (> o <)
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