So I was hanging out with
juldea and
cthulhia and Kyle who probably has an LJ but I dunno who he is, in Bandland at Pax East, where Jonathan Coulton merch was being sold, while Video Game Orchestra played (Joe Bob says check them out).
Suddenly an Enforcer (staff for the con) comes out from backstage, and asks something of cthulhia that I didn't quite hear, but I *thought* was a request for a brush. She didn't have one, but I asked what was being sought and was told a hairbrush, for Paul and Storm. Which I had because my hair is fine and gets stringy if I don't brush it every hour or two.
I handed it over, and was thanked as the Enforcer dashed backstage again. And then it occurred to me ... I turned to Kyle. "Did I Paul and Storm my hairbrush?" (I was sort of dazed by everything after around 4pm friday). He said, "I'm not sure. You might have just given it to them."
But eventually the brush came back, and the Enforcer handed it over, saying, "Paul and Storm's hair is now *perfect*, and when they go on, everyone in the audience will be grateful to you."
I thought he was exaggerating. He was not.
Click to view
If you cannot click above,
here's a great shot,of Paul, Storm, and Wil Wheaton performing
Trololo, while wearing wigs that were, indeed, a complete mess from sitting in a bag. Hence
Afterward, I saw Paul and Storm, and pulled out the hairbrush. "Hey! That's the brush we borrowed! Thanks!" said Paul. I asked them to sign it, as a lark. Storm: "I'm pretty sure this is our first hairbrush..."
Sunday, I managed to get to meet Wil Wheaton. "I have something for you to sign, if you would?" I pulled the hairbrush out, and his first words were, "Hey! That's the hairbrush we used last night!"
I find this incredibly funny.
So he signed it, and I mentioned I'd not been able to line up for him earlier:
"Well, I was demoing Looney Labs games for the Compleat Strategist people."
"Oh! You posted that in my blog!" (I had invited him by since I knew I'd be busy)
"I did.(pause) Have you played Fluxx?"
"I have! It's really fun! A friend of mine has it."
"Really? (thinks). Would you like the Monty Python version?" (I know he's into M.P.)
So I gave him my demo copy of Monty Python Fluxx and he looked at a card or two and said, "This looks awesome!"
And he bounced a little, and thanked me three times.