Pictures from Homecoming Week. (Oh, how I'm glad it's over.) This entry includes:
Taking place in Ms. Hilley's room, 313.
Kaleb and some random guy.
Ms. Hilley's room. I think it was about 87 degrees in there from all the people. We were past fire code regulations.
Sa'ah and Sheila
Big Bird
I like Katie's face here.
Amazonian woman.
Fashion show in A.P. GOV, with Justin McConnell as MC.
Tyler Austin and Skylar Jeffery walking back from modeling their togas. And it looks as though Justin is trying to grope Skylar's back.
BETSY. The Best Texter Ever.
Me and my nifty hair.
Artemis, Zeus, and Persephone
Brave's Brawl
Braves Brawl bonfire.
Our SGA president (Daniel Amato, Jr.) cheering with the cheerleaders. Blackmail material.
Oh, firefighters.
Random things like a weird picture of T.J. and Betsy and also a picture of the Puppet Show.
Senior Snake
The mass.
The drum line.
The mass has been there for awhile.