Jul 28, 2009 08:06
[he has round uneven printed handwriting, difficult to tell the case] It's like balancing my hand over a flame and never getting any warmer. Or like I'm wasting away but never hungry. [he scratches that out irritably, heavy strikes] I wonder if making it tangible will-- [he leaves that, doesn't finish the thought]
--this book is strange
and interesting--[his slashes become curls, concentric loops spiralling in on each other until they look almost like a flower]
I drove a truck today. I only stalled it once. Got to have a drink instead of helping unload. I told some people my name.
[scrawled diagonally then crossed out:] IT'S OVERRATED ANYWAY DAMN IT
I wonder if. People saying your name will-- [that sentence drifts off] No mail came today. I wish it would rain.
[he leaves the entry for a while, coming back to it later]
There's some sort of meeting tonight. I need to press my shirt. ...Seifer better keep his mouth shut. ✗