Came home to car seat covers to my car, Rescue Me DVD on order, 2 birthday cards, and I then decided to spend my pay plus some for this weekend on DVD's from during their 20% off sale. It's been a damned good time the past 4 days, but with only 1 hour of sleep the past 2 days I'm ready to crash
Le Français est une langue si dure. Je souhaite à des habitants de Montréal juste tout l'anglais de rai. Je ne peux pas attendre jusqu'au mois prochain où un groupe d'eux viennent à Philly et je peux les exiger parle ma langue.
It looks like I'm gonna have to buy a new DVD burner. Which ain't that bad, I mean may as well. They're down in price and I've got the $$$ to spare so yeah
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The dust and sanding from the new drywall my landlord did this week now royally fucked up both my CD/DVDRW drives on my computer. Just what I needed. I had a ton of shit to get done as far as doing discs for people and when I went to do a little quality control on them, I found everything I burned since they started on last Saturday, if fucked up
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It's too fucking hot. Plain and Simple, more and more I think about moving to Alaska, I hate hot weather, I hate sweating, and more importantly, I hate having to go to work (albeit in an air conditioned booth) when it's hot out
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SO I did all my errands and shit this morning after waking up over an hour before I wanted to. It fucking sucked, I'm still wide awake and need to get some form of sleep before heading to Atown to meet G Money so we can head to Iowa and Indianda respectively over the next 2 days
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