Title:Unexpected Love
Part: 1/?
Pairing:Bam Margera/Taylor Hanson
Rating:R-for language, and sexual content
Growing up in a small town has it's high, and low points. Bam Margera had lived in Westchester Pennsylvania his whole life and he wouldn't have had it any other way. Fortunately, it didn't take much to amuse Bam, and having friends like Chris Raab and Ryan Dunn around made for easy entertainment.
The boy's were sitting around the living room, throwing cheetos at each other’s heads and huffing sighs of boredom when Ryan got an idea.” Does anyone feel like going to a concert next week?"
Now, being the music lover that he was Bam was all for it,” Who’s playin'?" he asked anxiously.
"Hanson." Ryan stated matter-of-factly.
Bam snorted, and Raab let out a hoot of laughter, "Why the fuck would I wanna go see fuckin' Hanson?" Bam asked.
Ryan scrunched up his face in mock confusion, "I thought you said you liked hot blonde chicks, Bam?"
Raab started to laugh uncontrollably, "Yeah, dude. He especially likes that keyboardin' one."
"I do not like Ta-. I mean, no I don't!" Bam said defensively, picking up one of his black vans and throwing it at his friend.
Dunn rolled his eyes "What's the harm in it? It'll at least make for some funny-ass story if they suck."
"Which they probably do," Bam interjected. "Alright, we'll go. But I'm only doin' this to get a laugh, and so that your haggard-ass will shut the fuck up, Dunn."
Later that night, when Raab had gone home and the days’ work had taken it’s toll on them Dunn, and Bam lay sprawled on Bam’s bed. Bam had been arguing for the past two hours that going to a concert where twelve-year old girls would sell their soul to buy a ticket would be ridiculous, but Ryan quickly reminded him of how hot that Taylor-or as Raab liked to call him, “The Keyboardin’ One”- would be worth it.
Since he was seventeen-years-old, Bam had harbored a liking for the young musician, but being the tough guy he is he’d never admitted it to anyone but Ryan Dunn. Both men had secretly come out to each other at age’s twenty and twenty-two. It hadn’t been easy, but in the long run, that extra information had brought the two closer together.
“Maybe you’ll actually get the chance to fuck the guy, you never know.” Dunn joked.
Bam shot Ryan a look that said everything he probably would, anyway, and gave him the finger. “Yeah, man and penguins might fly outta my ass.”
Dunn shrugged, “It could happen.”