sand_wormie &
kick_astromech [Closed]
Location: Outworlder Apartment Complex
Planet: Coruscant
When: Some time after the Mon Cal group returns~
What: An unusual but necessary reunion.
Rating: PG-13 (Default)
It wasn't very often that he was left behind. While certainly this was under completely different circumstances, it didn't help for the astromech's restlessness. All the people that he would have been accompanying were off traveling without him, and there really was nothing to be done but get himself better acquainted with how things worked around here until they came back.
He didn't want to go Dac anyway.
If a certain protocol droid were here, he'd probably have told Artoo to stop sulking- upon which Artoo would have insisted that he wasn't. In fact, he liked to think he had been most productive for his time spent here, although it was still rather confusing trying to work out how things fit in, and skimming through the old network transmissions just made him more anxious to be reunited with familiar faces.
That wasn't the only reason that found R2-D2 sitting dutifully outside of the D-grouped apartments. After his conversation with Jacen Solo, the droid hadn't taken long to find Luke's unintentional audio post, and it wasn't hard to see that things hadn't gone very smoothly. He wasn't sure what exactly he'd be able to do for his now-young master, but small or big, Luke was still Luke, and Artoo wanted to be there for him. His scanners had picked up the frequencies of the incoming ships, and so all that was left was to wait. He really hoped it wouldn't be any longer, for as patient as he could be, hearing nothing but the idle hum of the power behind the wall panels just didn't help for loneliness.