Characters: Cordelia Chase and YOU (open)
Location: The Laughing Mynock
Planet: Coruscant
When: 11/11
What: Drinking and angsting
Rating: PG-13, I'd imagine
[So, even though she had sworn to stay off alcohol for a while after showing up on this planet with the worst hangover pretty much ever, the bar is exactly where Cordelia wants to be right now. Well, not exactly. But it would have to do.
She's on her third shot now, making a bit of a face as it goes down. She's not sure the name of the stuff, but it definitely does not taste good.]
And I thought tequila was the true evil.
[She's murmuring it mostly to herself. Which is what she's been keeping to, ever since word got back that Buffy succeeded in killing Angel. And yes, she's supported Buffy, and she knows it was probably the right thing to do, she can't help but feel guilty. Maybe there was a part of her that had hoped Buffy could get through to him.
But she's known for a while now that he's been well past saving. So maybe she shouldn't be surprised. But she's still sad. Even if he had fired her....he was still her friend. Or he used to be.
It feels different from when Doyle died, because everything about the situation is different. Doyle sacrificed himself. Angel gave up. Both situations are tragic, but one is a little easier to accept.
She places the glass down and signals to the bartender.]