
Jun 03, 2011 22:33

What species is your character?

Would other characters be able to sense your character's species?

Is there anything strange in your character's blood, DNA, etc that other characters might be able to sense?

What does your character's soul look like?
Autumn -- pretty, bright and colorful on the outside, but within lurks an imminent sadness due to the long, cold, lonely winter that's to come.

Is it possible to read anything from your character's soul?
Yes, pretty much that what his soul looks like is basically his personality.

What color is your character's soul?

Does your character have an ability that others might be able to sense?
I don't know... Maybe that he's arty? Yeah, that's a good one I think!

Is your character surrounded by something else that might somehow 'stick'?
Prooobably the whole thing I mentioned with what his soul looks like, that how he appears is not all there is to him.

Can your characters thoughts be read?

Is it possible to communicate with your character through telepathy?
Sure, I guess? This is what twins do, so Kaoru and Hikaru can only communicate through telepathy ;) But really I kind of don't get it.

Is it possible to see what your character is doing through psychic powers?

Is it possible to sense your character's location somehow?

Is it possible to sense your character's emotions? Intentions?
If a character is telepathic, certainly. If a character is an extremely close friend and is good with this kind of stuff, yes.

Does your character have any mental walls or defenses up?
Yes most definitely! Always! As loud as he can be, and as much of a social butterfly he tends to be, he is very private about his true emotions.

Can your character be mind-controlled?
Depends. He's kind of strong-minded, I guess you could say, so it's not something that would be easy to do. And also because of the fact that, like I said before, there are some definitely mental walls and defenses up.

How do you feel about 4th wall breaking?

Is there something specific that you don't want anyone to know about your character?
Not really.

How do you feel about threadjacking?
That is awesome, except for the obvious if it's something private. Because. Well, it's private and no one else would be able to see it anyway.

What about spamming your posts?
Gimme all your spam!!!

How about sudden action threads?
Gimme all your action!!

Can your character be imprisoned?
If he did something extremely terrible that would call for imprisonment, but I doubt that would happen, so no.

Is it okay to approach you about hacking private threads? Alternatively, how technologically gifted is your character?
Don't even waste your time haha. Kaoru is extremely technology literate. He knows how to do probably almost everything computer-related there is. Daddy Hitachiin is a computer man, after all.

Has your character died before? Can other characters pick up on this?
He has never died, so no.

Is it okay to kill your character, given the proper discussion/circumstances?
Hell to the no!
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