So in case you missed the uh ... excietment from the other day, here is the link: It is so crazy that stephen and I were JUST TALKING about my friend sylvan who i haven't talked to since i was 20 and then all of a sudden, bam, she finds my lj. wow. (hi sylvan!)
sylvan and i met on the high school swim team and were good friends for two years. then she went off to college and i was a pretty miserable senior because i didn't really have any friends in my own grade. i visited her at college, liked it, figured, hey, they have a nice journalism school, its a good distance away, and at least i'll know somebody! so i applied to western too. then, again with the amazing coincidences, out of all the dorms in the whole school, we were put not only in the same building, but ON THE SAME FLOOR!!!! this was not requested by either of us. wow. karma much. so then we were close again in college, but social things kept getting in the way. cliques developed in our dorm, and i kind of tryed to go back and forth between them, but it only sort of worked. things were kinda better again the next year, once i moved into my own apartment, but it also meant i spent 90 percent of my spare time with stephen and didn't really see my friends much anymore. it bothered me much less at the time than it does now. if i were my friends back then, i would have been annoyed with me too. :-) anyway, sylvan ended up being out of state (yellowstone?) for my wedding, and i don't think i've seen or heard from her since then until yesterday. i honestly had no idea what had happened to her.
and apparently, heather (one of the girls from our dorm, not the drama one from lj) has known about my lj all along? i'm still not clear on that one. she was roommates with katie (domesitkate) who told me about lj in the first place, so it's not too far of a stretch i guess ... except why wait five years?
anyway, i knew there was a reason i hadn't disabled anonymous comments. everytime something bad happens and i'm temped to ... i wonder who's out there that i might WANT to hear from and stop and think about it.
yay sylvan!!!!