Siren's Pull: Application

Aug 31, 2009 02:43

Player Information

Name: Skyla Doragono
Age: 27
email: skyladoragono at gmail dot com
Have you played in an LJ based game before? Yes. :P
Currrently Played Characters:
Szayel Aporro Granz | omnomspecimens/omnomfornicaras
Asch the Bloody | not_the_dreck
Soma Cruz | whitedarklord
Conditional: Activity Check Link: HERE
Conditional: Official Reserve Link: HERE

Character Information

Canon Source: Tales of the Abyss
Canon Format: Manga
Character's Name: Ion (original)
Character's Age: 12
Conditional: Ion is especially mature for his age. He was taken from his parents when he was very young and raised exclusively to be the next Fon Master. He is wiser and more intelligent than most adults, and if he wasn't batshit crazy, I would place his mental age somewhere around his late 20s because of that.

What form will your character's NV take? A small green flip-phone with the tuning fork-like design that is the Order of Lorelei's emblem.

Character's Canon Abilities: It's difficult to say exactly what Ion's abilities are, as unlike the rest of the Abyss characters, he doesn't have much of a chance to flaunt. What Ion knows can be inferred from his seventh replica, who was trained to be an exact duplicate of the original, so no one would suspect he had been replaced.

Therefore, Ion VII has been seen using powerful Daathic Fonic Artes -- magical abilities exclusively used by only the Fon Master of the Order of Lorelei -- as well as some healing artes. These abilities are not so much of a stretch to imagine; Ion seems to be the type that would not usually sit idly by as others protected him, something that can also be seen in his replica, who tries to help where he can. Obviously there is no canon ability list for Ion, though I have assembled a small non-canon one based on my observations of him and his replicas here.

The only problem is original Ion is very weak, and while some of his abilities are capable of turning people into bloody splatters on the pavement, they take a lot out of him, and cannot be used excessively.
Weapons: I guess his staff could be considered a weapon, though he's never seen using it as such.

Character History: The world of Auldrant revolves around the prosperity promised in the Score, a collection of the planet's history and future as read by Yulia Jue two thousand years ago. In order to ensure the coming of this prophecy, the Order of Lorelei was established, with a Fon Master at it's head to lead the religious organization. Ion was to be one of those Fon Masters because the Score said so, and he was taken from his parents at an age too young for him to remember them. Ion was raised by the Maestros and Grand Maestros, and presumably the previous Fon Master as well, knowing nothing of loving contact, only that it was his sovereign duty and his responsibility to read and support the Score for the world. Like so many others, he grew to depend on the Score, happy every time a prophecy had successfully come to pass...

...and then the Score told him he was going to die at age twelve.

For Ion, reading the Score of his death was like a parent telling him he should have never been born: the one thing that he had come to rely on told him he was going to die. Everyone in the world was happy for the fulfillment of the Score, because it brought them that much closer to the prosperity Yulia Jue promised, and in turn, that meant everyone would be happy with his death. Though Ion kept up an angelic face to the world around him, he quickly grew to hate and despise the people, believing them to be nothing more than trash, but powerless to do anything about it.

And then he met Van, who gained his trust through their mutual hate of the Score. All Van needed to tell him was that he was able to create replicas, and the gears started to turn in Ion's head. Replicas were similar to his pet and personal attendant, Arietta; their minds had no care and knowledge of the Score. Only unlike Arietta, they were also a complete blank slate, and something that was unaffected by the Score as well, as replicas were not mentioned at all. It was because of this that Ion allowed Van to create replicas of himself.

In the year before his death, seven replicas were made, each one sapping more and more of the frail strength Ion had. In the end, the seventh replica took his place as Fon Master, the third went to Grand Maestro Mohs as his own personal Score reader, and the rest were either personally slaughtered by Ion himself, or thrown into the nearby volcano. Only one of the ones slated to be destroyed survived, whom later became Sync the Tempest of the Six God Generals.

With his seventh replica in place to take over his position, and knowing that Van was going to carry out his plans to destroy the world, Ion soon died... though not before realizing the one thing he had been forgetting about. The one thing that Arietta had been trying to tell him in the time they were together, and he had missed completely: to never be alone.
Point in Canon: Just prior to his death.

Character Personality: The original Ion is a rather tragic individual. He was raised to be a leader from a young age, and because of this he is worlds more mature and wiser than most human beings. He doesn't consider himself better than anyone else -- if anything his upbringing as the Fon Master has made him humble -- but he does command a certain amount of respect and would not tolerate anyone treating him as less than what he is. For example, Ion would not have tolerated the manipulation going on thanks to Mohs during the main story of Tales of the Abyss, and likely would have dealt with him personally.

On the outside, Ion is very pleasant. In fact, you could probably easily mistake him for the seventh Ion, because he just seems to be that genuinely sweet and friendly. He always has a smile for his parishioners, and a kind word for anyone that talks to him. On the inside, however, is a very dark, wicked soul, twisted by being taken away from his parents, by knowing that his end was coming and he couldn't do a thing to stop it, and everyone would be pleased with his death, because it was the Score that said he would die. He hates his role as the Fon Master and he hates the people that blindly follow the Score, probably more so than any of the God Generals, Van included. He says often that the world and everything in it has become trash. Because of this, he tends to treat other people more like objects than human beings, going so far as to call Arietta, his precious Guardian, his pet.

He's also brutal and greatly dissociated from his own actions. Some examples are him thrusting his fist into one of his replicas, before making it explode with a Daathic Fonic Arte, all the while with that pleasant smile on his face. He didn't even flinch when Arietta used to bite him, and when confronted about using Fomicry to try and hide his death, he makes the men that attack him explode without a second thought. This also makes him seem extremely possessive, as he probably would have just left the men to his Guardians if one of them hadn't hurt Arietta. It's not really possessiveness, however, so much as a strong and terrifying urge not to be left alone, but Ion does not realize this himself until it's too late.
Character Plans: When Ion first arrives, he'll be at death's door, so much of his time initially is going to be spent at the hospital recovering. Once he's well enough to function on his own, I can see him getting involved in the politics of the Port.

Appearance/PB: Yes, this is a he.

Writing Samples

First Person Sample
[The screen flicks on with a young boy close to the screen, his hands held out toward the phone. The screen wobbles a number of times, as the boy is trying to get it to stay upright on its own. After a moment, he slowly backs away, careful not to move too much least he knock the phone over. As he backs away, the trappings of his hospital room come into view, and he folds his hands over his lap as he rests back against the hospital bed.]

Hello, everyone. I am Ion, Fon Master of the Order of Lorelei on my home world of Auldrant. I seem to have caused quite a scare when I appeared here in Siren's Port. I sincerely apologize, and offer my thanks to the greeters and first responders that saved my life.

[He bowed as best he could from his seated position, coming back up with a warm smile on his face. But there was something... a bit off about the smile...]

I look forward to the day I can meet you all, and thank you in person.

Third Person Sample
Realization came far too late.




He was the one that was pitiful, living all this time, dying all this time, with the answer right in front of his face.


He was lonely.

He did not want to be alone.

Tears were streaming down his face now, life slipping away with agonizing slowness. He turned, his body refusing to listen to what he wanted it to do. It was there, the thing that was given in an effort to tell him to never be alone, sitting amongst flowers on the window sill: the skull of his precious pet's sister liger.



Never be alone.

How could he forget something so important?

He couldn't see anymore; his illness had finally taken that from him. All he could do was hear, was feel; feel a sickening tug in his gut as life continued to drain from his frail form. Strange sounds flooded his hearing, and he just assumed that the disease was taking his hearing as well. The sounds started getting louder, however, and he could pick out distinct voices amongst the noise.

"What's wrong with that one...?"

Someone had spotted him, but why? He had left specific instructions with Van to make sure no one entered his quarters. Why would he of all people go against his orders? Footsteps were approaching, footsteps on sand, but that had to be his ears playing tricks on him. A moment later, and he could feel hands on him, filthy hands pressing against his neck, leaning close over him.

"He's barely breathing!"

"Quick, someone get the police!"

Such concern... for him? Didn't they realize that he was supposed to die? Didn't they realize the Score had named him for death at this very moment? They were supposed to be happy for his death, that the Score was closer to the fulfillment of prosperity.

So why were there so many grabbing for him? Why were so many touching him, pressing something to his mouth? Something cold to his chest?

"Who is he?"

"I don't know, he just arrived."

Just arrived? Who was he? Was this some sort of elaborate joke? Was this some kind of comfort before he met his end? He wasn't finding it amusing at all; if anything it was annoying -- not to mention extremely impolite to keep having people groping at him like this. He let out a faint sound of protest, but it was so weak he couldn't even hear himself. A loud wailing was coming from somewhere, followed by someone introducing himself as a police officer. More people talking, it was all becoming a blur of sound now, so many people were talking at once, even as he felt himself lifted up and placed on something hard, before being strapped down.


The police officer's voice rang out amongst the chaos, sounding... almost familiar. He tried to turn his head... tried to move, but everything just felt like it was slipping...


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